Recent content by Faithful flock

  1. Faithful flock

    I'm Back! Hey everyone, I've been MIA for a while now, thanks to school and the whirlwind of...

    I'm Back! Hey everyone, I've been MIA for a while now, thanks to school and the whirlwind of teenage life. It's been a crazy few years, but I'm excited to reconnect with all of you! I might not be as active as I used to be, but I'm thrilled to be here again! ---------------- Flock Update...
  2. Faithful flock

    Severely bullied silkie! Skin completley ripped off

    I will send some photos tomorrow morning as she is sleeping right now! I did let her free range with her flock for just for a bit and both the roo and the hen started to peck on the wounds causing her to bleed. This all happened in a split second from one peck which shows unfortunately how...
  3. Faithful flock

    Severely bullied silkie! Skin completley ripped off

    Update! She still obviously looks terrible and her eye is still a little swollen. Poor little one i'm assuming it will take months for her to heal. She is a little trooper though she was a little bit more perky today and I did let her out to run for a little bit and she seemed very interested in...
  4. Faithful flock

    Severely bullied silkie! Skin completley ripped off

    I have a silkie hen who's got majorly bullied! Her one eye is completely shut and the skin on her neck is completely off and hanging! Please help!
  5. Faithful flock

    Could this still be coccidiosis?

    Poor little one:hit @azygous @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock
  6. Faithful flock

    Hello from Ontario, Canada

    Hey there!:frow Welcome to BYC!:woot So glad you decided to join:ya
  7. Faithful flock

    First time chick mama

    Hey there!:frow Welcome to BYC!:woot So glad you decided to join:ya
  8. Faithful flock

    Help Identify the Roos vs Hens please! 6 weeks old.

    All our cockerels! Last one may be a Easter egger or Olive egger but unsure of the rest.
  9. Faithful flock

    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Also quick question are we allowed to put another entry of the same shot but the chicken is in a different pose?
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