Recent content by faeryfire721

  1. faeryfire721

    Turkey Stock leftovers

    I put everything in a tupperware and set out in the cold garage until morning
  2. faeryfire721

    Turkey Stock leftovers

    Imade turkey stock tonight with veggies turkey necks and turkey gizzards and legs. Can I give the strained pieces to the chickens?
  3. faeryfire721

    CC online coop is rubbish! Bread help ASAP!

    Ok so in September we got our cc online coop to house our 11 hens. I got it put together and while doing so my fears were confirmed. Was cheap materials and a lousy layout. Now two months later it is falling apart, too small for my girls, roost bars so low they are sleeping in the nesting box...
  4. faeryfire721

    Comment by 'faeryfire721' in article 'Collapsible Chicken Run'

    Nice any chance you have a material list and instructions so that others could make this? I think it would be perfect for something to give the chicks a way to get outside a little
  5. faeryfire721

    Any guesses because I am dying to know!

    Thank you! She is tiny compared to the other and got them all at the same time
  6. faeryfire721

    Our starting flock

    So after about two years of research and many conversations with chicken owners we took the plunge. I bought a coop but sadly it's way to big to get in my backyard so having to sell it and get a different one. But when I heard that they had chicks at big r I had to get some. At first we got only...
  7. faeryfire721

    Any guesses because I am dying to know!

    ok my girls are getting big but still not 100% sure what breeds they are? Any for sure thoughts??
  8. faeryfire721

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    yeah I thought Pinkie was a barred rock... the last (rainbow dash) is definately turning white. I guess correct on the golden laced but nice to know the others... Course ended up going for more so we have a total of 11. Would love to show you the others to see what they are cuz the wait is...
  9. faeryfire721

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Yeah newspaper lasted maybe two hours. it got wet from the water and noticed they had a hard time walking on it so now its just pine chips.
  10. faeryfire721

     Apple cider vinegar

    How much act do you put in the water?
  11. faeryfire721

    Good treats for baby chicks?

    Gave my chicks a scrambled egg today and at first would t touch it until I took out their feed about 10 minutes later the plate was clean and now they are sleeping peacefully.
  12. faeryfire721

    Week by week chick growth! Helpful if you're unsure of age :)

    Omg thank you for this! Been racking my brain trying to figure out how old my chicks are and this has me thinking they are about a week and a half!
  13. faeryfire721

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Thanks my 3 year old daughter named all except nibblet and stir fry
  14. faeryfire721

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Brand new chicken mama here and so much cuteness. Not a clue if I am doing things right. We got our babies from big r on Sunday but they did not say how old they were so I am guesstimating that the babies are maybe a week old. Group picture. Their names are pinkie pie, rainbow dash, applejack...
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