
Hmmm, what to say, what to say? I guess this sums me up:

Not an "interesting" person, BUT
Even if I'm boring irl
Virtually, I'm a blast and
Even if I'm occasionally a liar
Rarely am I serious in my lying.
Getting to know me is like running
Only weirdos do it on purpose
Nobody in their right mind runs for fun
Not unless there's money involved
And maybe donuts, I'd run for donuts.
Give me donuts or give me death
I have always lived by that motto, it's
Very possible that my motto has an
Effect on my weight tho lol.
You'd think I have no friends because
Of my personality
Us weirdos somehow attract others,
People of similar weirdness.
Never judge a book by it's cover
Everyone's heard that but do we try
Very hard to do it?
Even if you do try do it you've probably
Rightly judged me for being mean.
Go on, hate me for it
Only don't push me away for it
Nobody really gives me a chance
Not unless they're desperate
And lonely.
Let me be clear:
Even if the contents of said book are
Truly worthy of your hatred, is it worth
Your time to go on hating?
Or perhaps if you reread it you might
Understand the book.
Do whatever you want to but could you
Own it at least?
We all know you judge so just make a
Nuanced judgement of the book.
And now that I've put the crack pipe down and I can use better grammar, tell me, did you get Rick rolled or are you immediately skeptical of everything like me?
The Greatest Country Ever: Texas
Real Name
Why do you want to join our community?
Because this place is just teeming with snowflakes, trolls, and Karens. Seemed fun😁
Baiting trolls, starting fights, and reading locked threads.


Babe, if being beautiful was a crime... you'd be bloody innocent, cuz there's only room for one beautiful queen in this relationship, but still, I love ya💋


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