Recent content by equius

  1. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Here is the infallible answer to stop feather picking. Jim Rea
  2. equius

    Comment by 'equius' in article 'Common Hazards In The Poultry Yard'

    I have had two hens drown this summer in stock tanks, don't know why it never happened before, but it didn't. They have plenty of their own water, but seem to have developed an affinity for water flavored with a little horse spit. I am now cutting hog panels to fit in the tanks so if they fall...
  3. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

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  4. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    I wonder if soybean meal might help to give them enough protein. Soybean meal is 45% protein and is pretty inexpensive. The problem I have with most soybean meal is that it's solvent extracted and I am not convinced that all the solvent evaporates when it's boiled off. If you look you can find...
  5. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    We have about 18 new chicks, I added about 1 oz. of Forco to a quart of chick starter and they are growing like weeds.
  6. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    If you think more protein is the answer, you might try soybean meal, it's about 45% protein. Most soybean meal is solvent extracted, I worry there may be some residual solvent in the meal. You should be able to find non solvent extracted soybean meal, or I have some ground roasted soybeans that...
  7. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    I assume you are talking about Forco. If you are looking for the Bumpabits just send me an email at [email protected].
  8. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Bumpa-bits are here. These are the real thing from Scotland. These seem to be the last resort for feather picking. The ones I have are the 30 mm size which seems to be the right size for chickens. Bumpa-bits are widely used by game bird raisers. Game birds need to be able to fly so feather...
  9. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    The Bumpa-bits are on the way, I'll put up another post when they arrive. Looks like they are going to be $1.25 each plus shipping. Jim Rea
  10. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Forco Colorado to the rescue... again? I found a supplier in the US, the only problem is you have to buy a minimum of 500, probably more than most of you need. So, I bought 500 and they will be available through me in about a week, I haven't figured out the pricing yet, but it will probably be...
  11. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    I'll be interested to see how it works, my hens really love it too and my egg production has increased by almost 50% after I began feeding the new feed with Forco added.
  12. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Azagous, Actually its a 16% layer ration and the only thing you need to feed. It contains the proper amount of Forco for chickens eating 1/4 pound of the complete layer feed a day. Jim
  13. equius

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Tigertrea In an earlier post I explained there is no certification process for feed in the US. If you ad a medication to the feed the medication has to be approved but not the feed itself. There is a long explanation in one of my earlier posts. Jim Rea
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