Recent content by elorraine52

  1. elorraine52

    Comment by 'elorraine52' in article 'Pelletized Bedding / Shavings'

    yeah, i was wondering the same thing Double Yolked, i use pelleted feed as well and am afraid the chooks would think it was food and eat it....not good, esp. after reading about the dog that got an intestinal blockage from ingesting the pellets....
  2. elorraine52

    DIY Nesting Boxes!

    wow! so nice, you should get some burlap to hang over the fronts as a light blocker too....sure wish you could build me some!! :thumbsup:woot bet your chooks will love you!!
  3. elorraine52

    Wonder code for fleas

    i've never heard of fleas on turkeys or any poultry this a thing?
  4. elorraine52

    Breed selection

    i would choose royal palm turks, nice heritage breed...not sure what the dressed out wt. would be tho
  5. elorraine52

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    yes, we always wear a mask when cleaning coop, it's so dusty and dirty, i feel it is definitely needed
  6. elorraine52


    very very dry here, where are you located?
  7. elorraine52


    wow, incredible!! i've been following a friend of mine's journey of bee keeping and am very interested, maybe not for this year but eventually....i love honey!!
  8. elorraine52

    Ambient indoor temp

    wow, i didn't think it would really matter with a heat plate? i have my 3 week old chicks outside in the chicken house with a heat plate and they act like it doesn't exist, course it was 90* today but even at night it gets down to 60* or so and still they ignore it....
  9. elorraine52

    Thermometer placement during lockdown

    nice hatch!! love the picture <3
  10. elorraine52

    Started as a duck lady...

    agree with Callender Girls post!! i have had lots of birds over the years but now stick to chickens mainly as i have trouble keeping them safe from predators around. love them all though!!
  11. elorraine52

    Looking for DIY Perch Ideas

    why platforms and not roosts? sounds like more areas to clean?
  12. elorraine52

    All males?

    one year i got 3 straight run royal palm turks, they turned out to be all hens, it can happen!
  13. elorraine52

    2019 may hatch a long!!!!!!

    thanks for all the replies, I did slip my hand in quickly and got out the dry ones yesterday, them more is still pipping, tonight, if no more hatch, I'll be done.
  14. elorraine52

    2019 may hatch a long!!!!!!

    I have some eggs hatching in an incubator right now! So excited! But I have a question; I'm following the dry hatch method as I have Marans eggs in there, and I've stuck to it pretty well. Question is, I locked down on the 18th day, but then on the 19th day, the first egg hatched! So today...
  15. elorraine52

    eggs hatching

    eggs hatching
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