Recent content by Elliemae1984

  1. Elliemae1984

    Question about paint/white/black silkie genetics

    So it turns out my genetics aren’t that difficult/interesting after all (but I GREATLY appreciate everyone sharing their knowledge, it’s been fascinating to follow along!!!)…. 2 chicks that I thought were white are feathering out to be paint, with very very minimal spots (but paint, none the...
  2. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    That’s what we ended up having to do. Picked the “bully” since I realized he’s just defending his ladies from the young one that’s trying to WAY over mate them 🤦🏼‍♀️
  3. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    So far so good with the adult-chick introductions!
  4. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    That’s exactly the encouragement I need to give it a try lol. Fingers crossed! Thank you!
  5. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Would you suggest older or younger?
  6. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I’d love some opinions (again lol)! My chicks will be 6 weeks this week. They have been with my hen in a separate coop since the first week because my roos cuddled puddled too aggressively. I can tell my hen wants out BAD and back to her original coop. She seems miserable with the chicks (I...
  7. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Wow, yours are starting to molt already? That’s so early!
  8. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    i think I’m approaching the separate stage, but I’ve never done this with rooster before. Can I separate the bully roo for a few days and then reintroduce him to reestablish the pecking order, like I would do if I had a bully hen? Or will roosters just fight more after reintroduction? I’m...
  9. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Which is hilarious because neither of them has ever “done it” right and fertilized any of my hens. They both go at it sideways….like, that’s her WING dude! 😂
  10. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Wondering what you all would do about a rooster bullying another roo. These two have always gotten along and have been in the same coop since the younger one was a day old. The older one is now bullying him - not letting him out of the coop into the run, chasing him around. No real fights...
  11. Elliemae1984

    Question about paint/white/black silkie genetics

    Thank you for this explanation! I had no idea that black can carry a recessive white gene!!
  12. Elliemae1984

    Moving mom & chicks

    Would love some experienced opinions on when I can/should reintroduce my hen and her chicks to the other adults. I hatched out 12 silkie chicks and gave them to my broody hen. At first I left mom and chicks in the coop with the other adults (1 hen, 2 roos) and the other adults were great with...
  13. Elliemae1984

    Question about paint/white/black silkie genetics

    I’d love some opinions on how I ended up with so many white silkie chicks! (Not complaining, just confused!) I have a black hen, white hen, paint roo and black (with silver leakage) roo in one coop. This was my first hatch with this coop - I set 13 eggs, 6 from one hen and 7 from the other...
  14. Elliemae1984

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Ahhhhhhhhhh chicken math at its finest! Good luck on the hatches!
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