Recent content by Elissa

  1. Elissa

    The flower garden and plants chickens will definitely eat.

    Yes, mine liked the new leaves on our tomato plants...
  2. Elissa

    Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

    I am not convinced that any of my 5 girls did not eat 2 push-pins, I never did find them. :/ AND, a few of my girls like to peck at and eat the latex paint off my gate and walls...
  3. Elissa

    Can Chickens See Colors???

    OMG, I got my toenails painted red, and they went crazy pecking at my toes! LOL
  4. Elissa

    Feeding help

    What do you feed after 8 weeks, but before laying? Mine are almost 8 weeks and I have been feeding medicated chick crumble. I'm wondering what to get next...
  5. Elissa

    what do you say to your chickens when giving them attention?

    I call mine "the girls" or "my girls" too, but I have two sons and a husband, and I have been the only girl around until now, so this is the first time the boys are outnumbered!! Well, my girls are only 4 weeks old, so let's hope they are all girls!!
  6. Elissa

    I just HAD to show this! *PICS*

  7. Elissa

    what do you say to your chickens when giving them attention?

    This thread is great! My first chickens ever are about 4 weeks old. I greet them every morning saying "Good morning girls!" in a high-pitched tone... I always tell them what pretty feathers they are growing, and how big and pretty they are getting. When I let them come out of their brooder to...
  8. Elissa

    chicks out in the big house

    They should definitely go in the coop at night. At three weeks old, they should have an area that's about 80 degrees. Keep the light on and put them in until they are fully feathered. If they are outside when you go out there, they may not be feeling the warmth of the coop, and so, don't go...
  9. Elissa

    lets play the name game!

    I gave my chicks all classic Hollywood star names... but their coloring and personality played a part too. I have Norma Jeane, Ginger, and Lucy (Rhode Island Reds), Jane and Audrey (Barred Plymouth Rocks). I like themed names. (BTW, I am a HUGE Marilyn Monroe fan, so I would have a Marilyn...
  10. Elissa

    Tissue Paper bedding

    There is a paper-based shred bedding available, it's a lot more expensive than pine, but widely available... I used it when we had hamsters. It's very absorbent, and hypoallergenic, but like I said, about twice as much as the pine, where I have purchased it at Target.
  11. Elissa

    At what age can you tell if your "she" is really a "he"?

    What breeds do you have? I also have new chicks and I am a chicken newbie, but I have been doing a LOT of research on the subject. I am very anxious to be sure as well.
  12. Elissa

    Member list?

    Thank you!!
  13. Elissa

    Member list?

    I wanted to see a list to A.) see if a new username idea was taken, and B.) get new username ideas (I was a dork and just used my first name, how boring!)... oh well...
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