Recent content by eggsforsale

  1. eggsforsale

    Help me decide on a floor type...

    I agree with ddawn. If you want a coop that you maintain every day...great! Put in some kind of solid surface floor with some bedding on top, poop board under the roosts. If you want a coop that you can visit every day but only gets major attention a few times a year...dirt floor with sand...
  2. eggsforsale

    snacks to fly with

    Trail mix with nuts and beef jerky. Protein is always more satisfying. I love almonds.
  3. eggsforsale

    my dog is worried about the chicks!

    My golden retriever was fascinated with our new chicks so I picked one up and held it close so she could sniff it. Suddenly she opened her mouth and was ready to snap it up and gulp it down! I saved the little thing just in time. I think she thought I was feeding her. I guess we weren't "on...
  4. eggsforsale

    Which is better? Pellets or crumbles?

    I feed my layers pellets. They make a mess of the crumbles. Less waste with pellets.
  5. eggsforsale

    kate plus 8 and Sara Palin

    I'm so tired of the blame game. He was mentally ill. I've seen it in a close friend. If not mentally ill...deranged, evil whatever. No one else is at fault but him. Also.... I like Sarah Palin. I'm not sure yet that she is pres. material but she is smart and a very decent and good...
  6. eggsforsale

    Puppy Pictures - New pics of Sadie the Golden Retriever

    OMG! I have a golden retriever named Sadie. She looked exactly like yours about 9 years ago. Our Sadie stayed blonde in color as she got older. She is our second golden retriever. We have loved them both! Our Sadie is now turning gray on her face and starting to slow down. Wonderful breed...
  7. eggsforsale

    Anyone had problems with vaccinating their children?

    My daughter has had two horrific reactions to tetnas (sp?) shots. One at 11 years and one at 23 years of age. Both involved swelling of the brain or encephalitis, bells palsy and pretty much bed ridden for a month or more. First time we had suspicions about the timing and the vaccine but the...
  8. eggsforsale

    The Most Influential Books In Your Life

    The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom Amazing story
  9. eggsforsale

    Stinky egg mystery

    So, I have been upset because of bad tasting stinky eggs. I finally have at least figured out that the same chicken is laying all the bad eggs. I have 8 chickens. 6 EE's and 2 RR. I gather a rainbow of eggs every day. I finally started experimenting and noticed that the darkest brown egg...
  10. eggsforsale

    Some of my eggs smell bad while cooking...

    Why do some of my eggs stink when they are cooking? I can't eat them, it grosses me out. Coop is clean, eggs are collected daily, they are eating a store bought feed for layers, occasionally free range. No odors in my fridge to absorb. I have 2 Rhode Island Reds and 6 Easter Eggers. They are...
  11. eggsforsale

    Need Prayer !! UPDATE #2

    Listen to some good soft comforting music. Religious music if it inspires and comforts you. Do whatever you need to do to keep your stress level down. I'm glad your doctor is helping you. Have faith and hang in there........Sending prayers your way.......
  12. eggsforsale

    This is why you shouldnt browse YouTube at 3 am while your bored.. ICK

    OMG! Now I can't stop thinking about it. Not to hijack the thread...The year before the hurricane in New Orleans, we went there for a conference. We stayed in a nice hotel but in the middle of the night we woke up to bed bugs everywhere! Drops of MY blood were scattered on the sheets and...
  13. eggsforsale

    Who are the noisiest chickens you have?

    I have two RIR hens. One is the noisiest hen in the coop, the other the quietest one in the coop. Go figure. 6 others are EE's. Without a doubt, the RIR's' rule the place.
  14. eggsforsale

    What were you doing the morning of 9/11?

    I was getting ready to do my morning exercise. Turned on Today show...shocking. I called my husband a firefighter at work...I think he thought I was nuts. I hung up frustrated. He called back a minute later in shock also. The following weeks and months were crazy at the Fire Department...
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