Recent content by Eggette

  1. Eggette

    How about a mix of shavings/straw?

    I prefer to use pine straw in my house and nest boxes cause the chickens can't see it and leave it alone and bugs don't like it. In my runs though I'm struggling to find a combination of something that works for my area. In north Ga we tend to get so much rain in late winter into early spring...
  2. Eggette

    Egg candleing certification test anxiety!

    Thank you for the link I loved reading it! It really did explain a lot of gray areas and simplify some stuff I wasn't sure of.
  3. Eggette

    Egg candleing certification test anxiety!

    All eggs in ga need to be graded to be sold if you're taking them off the farm site or homestead, and if you're selling over a certain amount a week. That's why I want this so bad, to be able to do this in future date.
  4. Eggette

    Egg candleing certification test anxiety!

    In Ga it's a big law about selling eggs to be certified for it to be legal.
  5. Eggette

    Egg candleing certification test anxiety!

    Egg candling certification anxiety! In 2 weeks I'm taking the state test for egg candling to get certified to candle eggs. In the meantime I'm studying up and learning about how an egg is graded and what an eggs various makeup and flaws consist of. But I cant help but be nervous about preparing...
  6. Eggette

    How many hours spent with your chickens?

    I'm usually only able to spend a few hours a week with my chickens due to work but when I'm off I'll spend most of the day working on their runs and coops
  7. Eggette

    People think I'm crazy, what about you?

    Hi everyone! It's been a long while since I was on this site, I've missed it. But finally was able to get back on! So here I go! So ever since last year and the pandemic and all the shortages I've been seeing in the world around me, I've been concerned about where my food comes from and...
  8. Eggette

    Raging Hormones-Please help

    I feel for you, cause I'm running into raging hormones myself this year with my own flock of chickens, it's like all the boys have went wild and want to do nothing but commit rape! At the moment though I would try separating all the girls from the boys for a while, till they recoup. I'm not...
  9. Eggette

    Does anyone on BYC have English buff orpington hatching eggs, chicks or young birds forsale that cou

    Hi, I'm currently hunting pure English buff orpingtons, but having a hard time finding any. I want some to improve my own flock of orps. Looking for hatching eggs, chicks or really what I would prefer a young pair or trio of them for breeding. Thanks so much, Brigette
  10. Eggette

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Oh my goodness! The chickens on this thread are all so beautiful!
  11. Eggette

    What are your rooster's names?

    I have six main roosters of various breeds and this is what I named them, try not to laugh. Eggbert, my buff orp and Egg Jr. is his son's name Griffin - Americana Gandalf - salmon faverolle Hugh Eggman - Australorp and Eggwardo - buff Minorca Okay, now you can laugh.
  12. Eggette

    Good breeding rooster?

    Hi everyone, Due to my original rooster's decline in health, I've recently added one of his offspring to my Orpington pin. I also recently acquired some new hens to replace my older ones in order to help switch up the bloodline, and I'm currently also hunting some good English hens to...
  13. Eggette

    Comment by 'Eggette' in article 'Mart Coop'

    Your coop is so fantastic! I love the storage area you incorporated under the nest boxes, such a great ideal!
  14. Eggette

    Does anyone on BYC know if there is any free printable scratch feed Coupons online?

    I've been trying to find printable coupons online for scratch feeds by popular brands like Purina. But have been unable to come up with any. I signed up for Purina's rewards club in hopes of being sent some coupons, but none yet. So I figured I would post here and ask around to see if anyone on...
  15. Eggette

    smiley face problem in BYC system?

    Has anyone else on BYC had trouble with the smiley face emotion blocks? When I click the block to open the selection screen for them they won't show up, instead they show up as blank pages. Why is this?
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