Recent content by eevans1213

  1. E

    How to treat mites?

    I am looking advice and information on how to treat mites and what to expect during treatment. We received our flock about 3 weeks ago from owners who were looking for a new home due to moving. We are very very new to caring for chickens. We didn’t do any examinations upon receiving them...
  2. E

    Is this toe paralysis due to Vit B deficiency?

    Sorry I accidentally hit post before I got done writing my reply. This evening we took her out of the coop and fed her some B-complex crushed up in some oatmeal. She ate quite a bit of it. I noticed upon further evaluation this evening that all her toes are limp, not just the one toe like this...
  3. E

    Is this toe paralysis due to Vit B deficiency?

    Yes all her toes curl under on her left foot. Her right foot seems fine.
  4. E

    Is this toe paralysis due to Vit B deficiency?

    Photo posted in this thread This our our baby chicken. She is only about 6 months old. We noticed her limping this morning and walking with one toe curled under like she can’t straighten it. Vitamin B deficiency or maybe an injury? Help and advice much appreciated! They are given Layer...
  5. E

    Chickens don’t want to sleep on roost

    I got the roosts fixed to a better angle and now they are happily using their roost! Thank you all!!
  6. E

    Chickens don’t want to sleep on roost

    After checking, the roosts were slightly too steep. we got the roosts lowered to at least 40 degrees. We have went out there the last 3 nights to put the chickens on the roost manually. Half of them just hopped right back down immediately and ran back to their corner with their “head” alpha...
  7. E

    Chickens don’t want to sleep on roost

    After checking, the roosts were slightly too steep. we got the roosts lowered to at least 40 degrees. We have went out there the last 3 nights to put the chickens on the roost manually. Half of them just hopped right back down immediately and ran back to their corner with their “head” alpha...
  8. E

    Chickens don’t want to sleep on roost

    Hello all! I need some advice on how to get our chickens to use their roost at night when sleeping. We received these chickens about a week ago. Some are about 6 months old. Most are 1 year old. There are 13 of them. The roosting bars are about 3 feet wide. Unfortunately ever since we got them...
  9. E

    Our coop doesn’t have a floor

    We actually already have some hardwire cloth and just some gravel that we removed from the coop area to make the ground more level and easier to clean. So we are going to try to use what we have!
  10. E

    Our coop doesn’t have a floor

    Definitely will do a daily perimeter scan! We are home everyday most of the day so that will be no problem. Oh okay! That is a good idea about the skirt! Will probably go ahead and do that before we lay down the rocks! We are so excited for our chickens and we just want them to be as safe as...
  11. E

    Our coop doesn’t have a floor

    @RoyalChick Thank you so so much for your advice AND reassurance! Your reply is very helpful! Such a relief to know that the moisture shouldn’t be too big of an issue. We also just got a huge snow a few weeks ago, followed by a lot of rain. I guess after all that weather, it’s a very good sign...
  12. E

    Our coop doesn’t have a floor

    Thank you @SandyRiverChick ! Per your recommendation I checked out 50-45-1 coop and that was very helpful! I’m hoping we can make the dirt floor work well!
  13. E

    Our coop doesn’t have a floor

    Thank you so much @50-45-1 ! I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to my post! We are going to put the gutter up in the next few days and I’ll definitely start working on soaking up the moisture with shavings! Our building is also south facing and gets lots of sun. Once we get...
  14. E

    Our coop doesn’t have a floor

    I need some advice on how to treat a damp area of our coop. Our chickens will be moving into the coop in 12 days. We are working to prepare it as best we can before they are in here. Including lots of ventilation. As you can see in this photo, where the arrows are pointing to the darker parts of...
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