Recent content by Edurst

  1. E

    Puffed up and shaking chicken

    Thank you! I do think I jumped the gun on this one as I'm new to chickens the more I research the more I think she might be just stressed from the move, cold (they were raised indoor heated with thousands of others), and I never knew about their eyelid since I've never seen that on my other...
  2. E

    Puffed up and shaking chicken

    It actually did get pretty cold the past couple days and rainy as well and I'm thinking perhaps the stress of the move might be part of it too we only just got them saturday. No Gunk or anything else in her eye I watched her some more and it looks like she closes her eye and then when she opens...
  3. E

    Splayed leg in older chicken

    I'm not good at telling...sadly no vets in the area really seemed to want to help. When she sits its definitely pointed outward. One toe started to curl but water seemed to help. Tried making a bigger hobble but failed miserably. I'll check out B-complex and check to see if B2 is in water...
  4. E

    Splayed leg in older chicken

    Started giving vitamin water hoping this helps
  5. E

    Splayed leg in older chicken

    I was given a 9 week old chicken with a splayed leg. Previous owner had tried taping legs when it was younger but gave up when it kept chewing tape off. Has anyone had luck fixing a splayed leg on an older chicken? Or has anyone been able to keep one with this issue and still give it a good...
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