Recent content by Ecarroll

  1. Ecarroll

    Rooster Limping & Nail Blood

    With mine the nail broke but it fell off and he was fine afterwards
  2. Ecarroll

    Rooster Limping & Nail Blood

    It sounds like a something that happened to my silkie rooster a little while ago, for mine the best thing to do was put on some blue coat and wait
  3. Ecarroll

    Rooster Limping & Nail Blood

    Could you post a pic possibly?
  4. Ecarroll

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    I think it really depends on the bird. For example, everyone says silkies are super friendly but my silkie roo is very aggressive and attacks everyone except for me, and he is still kind of afraid around me or flighty.
  5. Ecarroll

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Today in the garden I planted my zinnia seeds finally, and planted a young zucchini plant
  6. Ecarroll

    Official BYC Poll: The Worst Predator

    I’ve only lost one to a predator, it was a raccoon. But I mean where I live there aren’t really many of these predators listed, the only real threats are hawks and raccoons. Not many large mammals here.
  7. Ecarroll

    Survey on what people are raising.

    I raise chickens, but I hope to get pheasants some day or quail. That’s the dream :)
  8. Ecarroll

    What size flock do you have?

    I know, they are so pretty! Only 2 brown ones hatched with this group of eggs, but we had a similar chick hatch with another group of eggs, we had to give him away though. Apparently he is now a very friendly rooster. Sorry I have no pictures of him
  9. Ecarroll

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    Bouquets in my farm stand! (Not an entry)
  10. Ecarroll

    What size flock do you have?

    The chicks or the hens? The dark brown hens are cinnamon queens from TSC and the light brown hens are golden sex links also from TSC The chicks (except the two black ones) are all hatched from my flock in the second picture, so the hens above with a silkie rooster. So I assume that the brown...
  11. Ecarroll

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    Entry #3 orchid cactus
  12. Ecarroll

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    Entry #2 ghost pipes
  13. Ecarroll

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    Entry #1 blue morning glory
  14. Ecarroll

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    So pretty 😍
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