Recent content by EastTeaxsChickenMimi

  1. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    Silkie with swollen eye

    I wish I had some good suggestions for you. I'm not sure if my experience can be of any help. I am a novice who has had to learn as I go. I have a silkie that is now a house chicken. She went blind due to an eye infection shortly after I got her. I was able to get an eye wash and...
  2. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    We introduced our 6-7 week old flock to their NEW coop today!

    Great job on the conversion to a coop. I love the spa blend. I think I'm going to pull out my blender for some of my chicken friendly herbs and add them to my pine in the coop. Thank you for the tour and can't wait to see the run.
  3. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    Review by 'EastTeaxsChickenMimi' in article 'Poultry Ownership and Dealing with Loss (From a Tenderhearted Farmer)'

    Our journey into Chicken Keeping has been an emotional experience. Tenderhearted Farmer reminds us of the joy and the sorrow of raising such loved birds. We have lost 6 of our original flock that we began this summer due to multiple reasons from birth defects to disease and injury. I hurt for...
  4. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    Broken Wing at Joint! Need An Article or Link to reference

    The shop towel in the picture has NutriDrench on it, not blood.
  5. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    Broken Wing at Joint! Need An Article or Link to reference

    Five month old cockerel found outside of coop injured. Unsure if attacked at this point. Feathers matted but no puncture wounds found. Wing not functioning. There is blood trauma under the skin at the elbow (?) joint but the bones are not attached . He can move wing and the lower half looks...
  6. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    Shalom from East Texas!

    Welcome Neighbor! East Texas grandmother raising my first flock since childhood with my granddaughter. We recently lost 3 to illness. We have nursed the other back to mostly healthy (have a silkie that went blind during an episode of foul pox.) We are looking forward to learning a lot more...
  7. EastTeaxsChickenMimi


    Never thought I’d say this: Awe I wish I lived in Cali! I have a black and a gray silkie hens. Who would love some friends like themselves. They seem kinda lost in all the feathers. I also can’t wait to find a beautiful sizzle/satin someday to add to our flock. They are beautiful!
  8. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    New here

  9. EastTeaxsChickenMimi


  10. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    Chicks are in the brooder! Full update this afternoon

    Chicks are in the brooder! Full update this afternoon
  11. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    New chicken momma to some great hens and a hormonal rooster

    Update- I do not listen to the voice of reason. :he We now own 7 chicks. So far the names are Spartacus, Chip and Dale, Tiny and Jumbo, and Orpington Chicks 1 & 2. :th Since they were all straight run except Chip & Dale, I deserve the 4 roosters I'm betting I bought. Lily will post some...
  12. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    New to BYC

  13. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    *Waves tentatively*

    Welcome! You have come to the right place for advise. This is the best place for friendly fowl advise. My chickens are so grateful I found them!! Good Luck and looking forward to pictures!
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