Recent content by Dynamissa

  1. D

    One of six 6-7 week old chicks POSSIBLY ate metal nut?

    I upgraded the size of my feeder in the brooder this morning to a hanging one but I didn’t hang it, as I had nowhere to, so I don’t know for sure if there even was a bolt (can’t remember if I held it by the hanging bit or not…) But after coming home from breakfast they had knocked the feeder...
  2. D

    Painting hardware cloth - specific paint recommendations?

    Any particular kind of rustoleum? I have decision paralysis whenever I see too many options and I was be try overwhelmed when I went to the store the other day to look for something hahah
  3. D

    Painting hardware cloth - specific paint recommendations?

    I’m looking to paint the hardware cloth black on the chicken run I just finished building so we can see our chickies easier from the outside… was wondering the specific paint recommendations? Planning on rolling it on — just the outside make sense? Thanks!
  4. D

    Recommendations for bedding

    Yes I was going to pick some up just to have on hand but every TSC seems to be out of them at the moment! Ugh the hazards to brooding indoors
  5. D

    Recommendations for bedding

    Like the kind you use for a wood burning stove?
  6. D

    Recommendations for bedding

    The babies are two weeks old tomorrow and have already started scratching the pads apart … where is this fabled large flake aspen shavings I’ve seen talked about? I just see small ones here …
  7. D

    Recommendations for bedding

    I am on puppy pads right now, how long do you use them? I was told if I add bedding, to offer grit in the case they ingest some
  8. D

    Recommendations for bedding

    I am brooding my chickies indoors and found out that I can’t handle pine shavings in the house so I’m looking for recommendations for some bedding. It’s a week today I picked them up. They are supposed to be a week old. I’m kind of interested in Aspen and hemp … is bigger flake better to...
  9. D

    Cecal-like poo from one chick frequently

    Thank you very much for weighing in! I’m going to monitor for sure and see if it’s still going on this morning and frequency. I’ll be sure to post images if it’s still the same. Thank you for the link!
  10. D

    Cecal-like poo from one chick frequently

    Hello! Advice would be greatly appreciated. Family picked up 6 babies on Friday (4/12) … 2 buff orps, 2 Easter eggers, 1 silver laced Wyandotte, and a Delaware. One Orp has had me concerned since day 2. She had some watery diarrhea that day, and I’m anxious by nature. She also seems to be...
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