Recent content by DuneDucks

  1. DuneDucks

    Duck walking Lame

    Yeah no problem. Other than getting some extra calcium in her I'd keep up with the warm baths too. Chances are it's a soft shell, so hopefully some extra calcium to strengthen the shell and a warm bath to loosen her muscles will help, but if she doesn't lay soon you may want to consider taking...
  2. DuneDucks

    Duck walking Lame

    From the video and what you've described I would agree that she is eggbound. Are you in the US? If so you'll want to get some calcium gluconate from tractor supply or any other farm/ranch store you may have nearby. I'll post a thread below with some information on administering via syringe...
  3. DuneDucks

    Do small injuries in duck webbing heal properly?

    From my understanding torn webbing unfortunately does not heal.
  4. DuneDucks

    Impacted Crop on Duckling

    As long as you're being gentle that should be okay. As long as his crop seems to be clearing, and he isn't drooling a lot when he drinks, I wouldn't worry too much about that. You'll definitely want to get him some grit so he can clear out any rice that might be stuck though. Maybe for a few...
  5. DuneDucks

    Impacted Crop on Duckling

    Is it always bulging like that? They'll get bigger as they eat but should clear. Anytime you feed Donald anything other than duck feed he needs to be given grit as well. Probably chick grit at his size. I would cut out the rice too if you've gotten pellets at this point. Just leave a container...
  6. DuneDucks

    Jumbo pekin sleeps alot

    Yeah, I have a jumbo who lays and sleeps a lot during the day. He'll still get around as he wants, but it is too hard for him to keep up with the rest of the boys all day. He much prefers chilling in a bush or the pool opposed to foraging with the others. Just an unfortunate effect of being bred...
  7. DuneDucks

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    I never said otherwise. Nobody is telling you not to protect your livestock, but a lot of those laws aren't as cut and dry as "I can do and shoot whatever I want" either.
  8. DuneDucks

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    I figured you were referencing the past that's why I mentioned the year it was signed. You may have not intended it as advice, but plenty of people posting similar thoughts do, and that's how people will read it. Your post also came immediately after a mod posted that the thread had just been...
  9. DuneDucks


    Yeah weasels are nasty, vicious little things. Keeping your traps going and covering every little gap you can with hardware cloth is about as much as you can do. Good luck!
  10. DuneDucks

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    Yep it's a crime that is taken very seriously in 2024. Animal crushing, which is an umbrella term for causing bodily harm, can carry up to 7 years in prison. You'll also land yourself on multiple abuser/offenders registries monitored by the FBI. There is a high level of correlation between...
  11. DuneDucks

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    A lot of states have laws that allow you to use lethal force on active threat against you or your property, sure, but that's not what I'm talking about. It is 100% illegal to shoot a dog up with birdshot just to chase it off. Any Sheriff telling you otherwise is just ignorant to the law on a...
  12. DuneDucks

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    As of 2019 that would be a federal crime in the United States. Anyone following this advice in the US will be committing a felony. This sub-forum seriously needs to sticky the 'Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act'.
  13. DuneDucks

    Mystery Green Layer

    My blue swedish lays some pretty green eggs.
  14. DuneDucks


    I'd agree those are raccoon tracks. I've trapped a couple this week and the prints I found were more or less identical. They will 100% go at the neck to get into the chest cavity. I've had luck using marshmallows and old eggs as bait.
  15. DuneDucks

    The Quack Shack

    Thanks, I can pick some up. His vent area looks a lot better after a few soaks, but who knows how long it had been swollen before then. Tbh between some of his other missing feathers and his weight I wasn't thinking of a prolapse at first either, but seeing the difference between now and a few...
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