Recent content by DuckMochi

  1. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    Asking for HELP. What is controversial about what is going on with my pet???
  2. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    If you are going to be nothing but negative on my thread then do not let the door hit you on the way out. I am here asking for advice and more information on what is currently happening with my beloved pet. You coming on here saying everything is 'nonsense' and 'can't happen' is absolutely...
  3. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    No way I have a person being transphobic to my DUCK on my thread. Yes, it's possible, it happens. Birds are magnificent creatures and they can change a lot. She is clearly transitioning, she is growing male plumage, she has drake feathers. Please do not go on to other people's threads and call...
  4. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    This is such a relief to read, thank you so much. I was so worried!! I appreciate the insight!
  5. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    They can! Some even become full males where they can successfully breed hens. However, it's only female to male, males cannot turn female. I believe it can happen in most ducks, but I think it's mostly recorded in mallards just because of how common they are!
  6. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    Hi guys I haven't been here in a while but google has NOT been much help so I wanted to reach out to other duck owners for their opinions/experiences. Sorry the title is so dramatic, but that's pretty much the gist of what I am asking. Some information, I have a female mallard named Billy, she...
  7. DuckMochi

    URGENT!! Duck is acting strange please help!!

    @LoveDatChickenLife you weren’t too late no worries. We actually managed to get her in as an emergency at an exotic animal clinic right after I posted this so we rushed her there right away. She was egg bound and couldn’t get it out because of how exhausted she was from overlaying due to our new...
  8. DuckMochi

    URGENT!! Duck is acting strange please help!!

    i have a female mallard a little over a year old and today when i went out to say hi to them all she seemed sort of off. I brought her inside to watch her, her eyes seem squinty, she keeps slightly shaking her head and mouth keeps moving, she pants like it’s hot but it is not hot at all and she...
  9. DuckMochi

    Aflac is dieing

    I’m so sorry about this. I have no information to give or anything to help you, but if an avian vet says he will die soon... I’d just make sure to be there for him until he passes. Life is cruel, I lost my beloved Cayuga last fall to a terrible unexpected accident, but I stayed with her until...
  10. DuckMochi

    Bumble in Pekin or just muddy?

    Oh no not bumblefoot D: I hope you get it figured out Jana! I’m sorry I can’t be much help in this situation but I’m wishing the best for you and your friend
  11. DuckMochi

    Ducks in pools??

    @thumper650 I'll probably take a video of them! I'll make sure to post it on here whenever I take them over so everyone can see how much fun they had
  12. DuckMochi

    Ducks in pools??

    @Miss Lydia i definitely will! I can’t wait to see how Sunni reacts when his feet can’t touch the bottom
  13. DuckMochi

    Ducks in pools??

    Also I haven’t posted on here in such a long time so here’s some pics of the ducks! Sunni is so big! (Yes he’s standing on my back in the third picture)
  14. DuckMochi

    Ducks in pools??

    @CarleeAnn How long would you let yours in at a time? @Miss Lydia My mallard MIGHT be able to fit into one of those little pump things but it's not a strong suction and the little plastic flap on it moves so I doubt they would go near it. It moves, too scary!!
  15. DuckMochi

    Ducks in pools??

    @CarleeAnn I didn't even know I commented on that threat lol! Also I know people are really worried about the pooping but nobody actually uses that pool. My grandpa is too old and my sister occasionally uses it for a few minutes but not till the late summer. He gets it cleaned regularly by a...
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