Recent content by dreamdoc

  1. dreamdoc

    Why is everyone in an uproar???

    My 5 yr old welcome had to be put down today due to a broken leg that wouldn’t heal. She spent two weeks in a cage near her mates to the end. I was surprised that everyone hung around her. I didn’t think she was the leader because the rooster hated her. Anyway I added two 6 mos olds in a run...
  2. dreamdoc

    Hen's leg injured?

    She was vaccinated. Today she tried to stand and sat/slid back down. I'm wondering if she has damage high up on the leg at the joint. She's eating broccoli leaves that I feed her but she didn't seem interested in the worms today. I am not feeling hopeful.
  3. dreamdoc

    Hen's leg injured?

    My hen injured her leg. Initially she was limping. I isolated her in a cage with the flock. I'm trying to give her aspirin for pain, I've examined her foot and don't find any bumps, swelling, etc. A week later she is still eating and drink but seems to be not getting better. I splinted her leg...
  4. dreamdoc

    Why have my hens abruptly stopped laying?

    It's June here in CAlifornia and perfect weather for laying. I was getting eggs daily and then all of a sudden everyone stopped laying. It's been about 5 days. Everyone looks healthy, no molting. They are in a protected cooped and run so predators can't access them. They get organic crumble...
  5. dreamdoc

    my hen's symptoms

    My chicken has something wrong. She is my biggest chicken and has always stayed on the edge of the flock. Over the past week or so she has stopped laying (she lays the smallest egg of the flock). She appears pigeon toed and is walking/waddling slowly. She's sitting alone alot up against things...
  6. dreamdoc

    Shouldn't they be laying?

    I have a mixed flock of 6 hens under 4 years old. They all stopped laying in November. All my neighbor's flocks are laying again but mine aren't. They are done moulting. I live in No California. Any ideas why everyone else in the neighborhood is getting eggs and I'm not????
  7. dreamdoc

    Rooster aggressive towards one hen

    my banty rooster tries to isolate one of my younger hens away from flock (she was added with four other pullets last year). He chases her but doesn't try to mate with her. He hasn't hurt her but doesn't want her as part of the flock (eg. he won't let her into run to eat with others). Is this...
  8. dreamdoc

    Hen can't jump into nesting box

    Thanks for your advice. Don't know how I'd weigh her but I can do the rest.
  9. dreamdoc

    Hen can't jump into nesting box

    Everyone is treating her fine.
  10. dreamdoc

    Hen can't jump into nesting box

    I have an older hen, 5-6 yrs who still lays eggs. she looks healthy but no longer jumps up to roosts. She has slept in nesting boxes which are lower to the ground. Now she's sleeping on coop floor. I built a little ladder to a nesting box so she now climbs it to sleep in box. She doesn't look...
  11. dreamdoc

    meat crumble for hens and chicks?

    Thanks for info. I'll keep looking for grower
  12. dreamdoc

    meat crumble for hens and chicks?

    I'm integrating my 10 week old chicks with my layer hens and could not find all flock/grower crumble anywhere. The feed store said I could feed meat bird crumble (22%protein) to all with oyster shells on the side for layer hens. This seems like alot of protein for chicks. Are they correct (now...
  13. dreamdoc

    Hi from Santa Rosa, CA

    Hi and welcome. Yes, I am from Sebastopol. I have a small flock-4 hens, 4 chicks and a serena rooster. I see that you have marans. Where did you get them? I'd like to add one or two to my flock.
  14. dreamdoc

    elongated egg?

    My 5 yr old wyndotte has been laying elongated eggs which she has not done historically. Is this just because she's older or should I be worried that somethings wrong?
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