Recent content by Drcallen

  1. D

    Review by 'Drcallen' in article 'Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors'

    Thank you for such wonderful information. I have four babies only 4 weeks old and I am going to go right now and try to achieve the goal you have explained.
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello everyone it has been a long time since I have posted. Just wanted to catch up. Hope you have a fantastic Summer coming up. I am going to be planting a garden different that ever before. My greenhouse was destroyed by a heavy snow this year. I am going to try just growing outside using...
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    What is a Rhod Island Red & Rhode Island White cross called?

    The Rhode Island White & Red The Rhode Island White and Rhode Island Reds are, however, used to create hybrid breeds such as the ISA Brown, when mixed together and or with other chicken breeds. The crossing of the Rhode Island White with the Rhode Island Red also makes “Red Sex-Link” chicks...
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    Sand litter users - this thread is for you

    I use this in my nesting box, they are washable easy to keep clean and I do not have to use straw or shavings in my coop. I also use the sand similar to what you are saying only I keep a cardboard under the nesting roost and scrap it off each day and the sand and replace the cardboard every...
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    Sand litter users - this thread is for you

    I use this in my nesting box, they are washable easy to keep clean and I do not have to use straw or shavings in my coop. I also use the sand similar to what you are saying only I keep a cardboard under the nesting roost and scrap it off each day and the sand and replace the cardboard every...
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    Penny's in Jail

    Thank you for your story of penny and the daily updates. I'm learning a lot from byc and all it's wonderful contributors.
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    I'm in canyon City Colorado we're the same can only have hens no roosters. I have six girls I started out with four they were Rhode Island red and Rhode Island white mixed they work well with the weather in Colorado they are 2 years old I just started 2 years ago last april. This February I...
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    My girls love water mellon
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    Trees next to run? I want to tell my husband he is wrong

    I would never plant trees because of Hawks and other predator birds. It would be better in my thoughts to plant bushes the chickens can hide under.
  10. D

    Trees next to run? I want to tell my husband he is wrong

    I would never plant any trees near the run due to hawks and other dangerous birds. However low bushes they can hide under is a great idea.
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    Guide How To Make A Picture Album

    I had no idea we could do that thank you. Happy Easter
  12. D

    Water and feed in the coop

    thank you so much for your suggestion I'm going to try that I think that's awesome I wouldn't have thought about the water puddling on the top and I know exactly what you're talking about and thank you for showing me exactly where to put it you're awesome thank you thank you have a happy Easter.
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    Water and feed in the coop

    This is what my son and I did. I have a back fence and a side fence and the coop so we took three pallets and put them together against the fence and coop then put a pallet on the top and secured it placed boards across the top then covered it with Linolium. The area has bird netting so the...
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    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Feed Costs Low?

    I let the girls free range for a few hours during the day in my backyard. I also give them treats when they sit with me and my swing I purchase from tractor supply or Amazon that is high in protein. They only get a little bit but it's a lot of fun cuz they like to eat out of my hand and out of...
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