Recent content by drangle

  1. D

    How many roosters did you cull before getting a good one?

    This is my first round keeping chickens. I had something like 9 males in my order of 30 chicks. All of them were aggressive to some degree except 1.
  2. D

    What ate my chick?

    The problem is chicks getting out of the the run early in the morning before I let them out. Need smaller wire for the little cheepers.
  3. D

    What ate my chick?

    Are cats known to leave the gizzard? The neighbor has a bunch of feral cats. I kind of thought a cat would pluck more feathers though.
  4. D

    What ate my chick?

    Something at one of my 4-6 week old chicks this morning. The only thing left behind were the wings, feet, and a very cleanly removed gizzard. I’m thinking feral cat but I really don’t know.
  5. D

    What ate my chick?

    Something ate one of my chicks this morning. She was about 4 or 5 weeks old. The only thing left was the wings, feet, and gizzard which was very neatly and cleanly removed. I’m thinking a feral cat but really don’t know.
  6. D

    Will separating Roosters make re-integration harder later?

    you need to get rid of all of the males except 1 or 2. many ways to go about it but it needs to be done and dragging it would only makes sense if you plan to eat them. It is important to remember that you have a flock of chickens, not a bunch of individual chickens. too many males is a big...
  7. D

    How close can a heat light be to chicks?

    in the summer a normal lightbulb will probably be enough. with no draft they can generate a lot of the heat they need themselves by packing together in a corner. Chicks are tougher than you would think! just watch them the first few hours, you will be able to tell if they are too cold.
  8. D

    Incorporating Chicks

    Get some stuff the little ones can hide under or in but the big ones can’t. I use old mineral tubs with holes cut in them for the chicks to hide in. They will get used to each other. The little ones might get terrorised for a week or two.
  9. D

    Breeds for a breeding project! Thoughts and opinions please!

    There seems to be a lot of demand for BCMs that lay super dark brown eggs. I would focus on that first then add the legbars in for olive eggers.
  10. D

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    I am going to start holding back and breeding my cream crested legbar x buff Orpington crosses in an attempt to make my own back yard breed. How hard will it be to make them autosexing? What will the gen 2 crosses look like when they have 2 copies of the cream gene? Any advice on breeding...
  11. D

    What is your favorite way to prepare a whole chicken?

    Get a bowl and mix up a couple tablespoons of mayo, some sliced garlic, seasoning salt, and soy sauce. Stuff this concoction under the skin, and smear it all over the outside of the bird. Bake in the oven as usual. Catch the drippings and make a gravey.
  12. D

    Natural cat litter in coop?

    Also your coop looks super clean! I would be thrilled to have such a nice set up
  13. D

    Natural cat litter in coop?

    What about a thick layer of chunky wood chips
  14. D

    Tips on breeding for egg production?

    Hey everyone. I am looking for tips on how to breed for egg production. So far my attempts have been to simply hatch the largest best looking eggs I have. I have 14 hens and I suspect 2 or 3 of them are not the best layers. Also many of them lay medium size eggs and I am looking for large or...
  15. D

    What to do With Cracked Eggs

    toss all the suspect eggs in a bowel and nuke them for 2.22 minutes then feed em back to the chickens
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