Recent content by dragonthehunter

  1. dragonthehunter

    ~The Crazy Chicken Club~

    Just picked up 14 chicks from a livestock sale :) 2 buff orpington 2 rhode island red 4 blue wheaten ameraucana 1 barred rock and 1 black copper maran 2 chanteclers 1 serama and 1 black silkie :love:love
  2. dragonthehunter

    Some help with fencing

    Yes sorry it isn't wire or metal it is made out of polymer
  3. dragonthehunter

    Some help with fencing

    So I'm planning on making a 7ft high fence for my chickens and I will be running hardware cloth from the ground to 2-4ft in the air could I use deer fencing as the top part? would it keep foxes and raccoons out? also would it keep chickens in? My birds have been escaping the 4ft high fence we built
  4. dragonthehunter

    RodNTN's chat thread!

    Out where?
  5. dragonthehunter

    RodNTN's chat thread!

    Aww congrats they are a beautiful breed I wish someones had them near me But for now I suppose Svart honas will do Even then I dont get any till next year at least
  6. dragonthehunter

    Canadian Breeder list

    They used to run a puppy mill and have terrible birds * *Not speaking from personal experience just from what I have heard from other people who bought from them
  7. dragonthehunter

    How to make hens go broody.

    No what breeds of chickens do you have?
  8. dragonthehunter

    How to make hens go broody.

    You can't make a hen go broody and yes roosters will mate any hen they get the chance to. That doesn't mean they will fertilize the eggs because a smaller rooster would have a harder time to fertilize a bigger hens egg
  9. dragonthehunter

    New member here.

    Welcome from NB Canada if you need chicken info this is definitely the place to come
  10. dragonthehunter

    Show Off Your Roosters!

    He's huge :O I had one I thought was big but he was only around 9lbs but he was almost 6 months when he died
  11. dragonthehunter

    New Brunswick, Canada

    Well When I get my Brooder and new coop finished I will be in touch
  12. dragonthehunter

    New Brunswick, Canada

    Partidge Chantecler or white chantecler?
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