Recent content by doughouse

  1. doughouse

    Electrical fire from heated waterer

    Before today I would have said those stickers are just legal ass covering. My coop isn't electrified, so it was plugged into a long outdoor-rated extension cord.
  2. doughouse

    Electrical fire from heated waterer

    I wrote to Premier 1 too to see what they say.
  3. doughouse

    Electrical fire from heated waterer

    We bought a Premier 1 three-gallon heated waterer right before the winter of 2020-21, and I've been nothing but happy with it until today. I went out to check the flock's food and water this afternoon and was surprised when I lifted the waterer that it felt much heavier than I expected. I...
  4. doughouse

    Can chickens eat pesto?

    I was putting food scraps in a bowl for my flock when my wife, thinking it was for compost, tossed in some pesto leftover from dinner last night. That's fine for the chickens, right?
  5. doughouse

    Need to stop my hen from crowing

    Well, thanks to some over-excited chicken math last year we actually have two more hens than is technically allowed, so I'd much rather avoid the city coming around altogether. 😬
  6. doughouse

    Need to stop my hen from crowing

    Certainly! She's the little polish here.
  7. doughouse

    Need to stop my hen from crowing

    I'm sure a real rooster would blow her out of the water, but it definitely sounds like we have a rooster. I can hear her from down the street.
  8. doughouse

    Which BYC member scares you?

    So far I haven't encountered a BYC member who I've found scary or intimidating (that's not an invitation). The only thing I've found intimidating is when I start reading a thread only to realize it is 1,345 pages long! Wow, y'all!
  9. doughouse

    Bottom of pecking order hen hangs out in nesting boxes, destroys the eggs

    Thanks, everyone, for the advice. I modified our nesting boxes to be rollaways and that seems to have solved the broken egg problem. She still hangs out in there too much and poops in there more than I'd like, but we've had zero broken eggs since I made the modifications.
  10. doughouse

    Need to stop my hen from crowing

    So I have a hen who recently started crowing, and since we live in a place where roosters are forbidden we really need her to stop (if anyone complains I really doubt "but look, she's a hen! She lays eggs!" is going to cut it). I've read this can happen when there is no rooster and the hen at...
  11. doughouse

    Ador vs ChickenGuard vs Omlet door

    Definitely not. I really love this door!
  12. doughouse

    Ador vs ChickenGuard vs Omlet door

    Fellow New Englander here, and very happy with the Omlet. I've had it for two years (and two winters) and the battery is still at 70%.
  13. doughouse

    Bottom of pecking order hen hangs out in nesting boxes, destroys the eggs

    I have pine shavings in the coop and chopped hay in the nesting boxes, but now the coop is a mix of pine shavings and chopped hay thanks to this hen.
  14. doughouse

    Bottom of pecking order hen hangs out in nesting boxes, destroys the eggs

    No, I see her eating and drinking all the time. I think the biggest problem is that she scratches all the nesting material out whenever she goes into the nesting boxes and breaks eggs that way, which led to her developing a taste for them.
  15. doughouse

    Bottom of pecking order hen hangs out in nesting boxes, destroys the eggs

    We have a one-year old polish hen who is at the very bottom of the pecking order--I sometimes joke that in our flock of eight she's ranked tenth--who often separates herself from the flock. Lately she's taken to hanging out in the henhouse and nesting boxes. She scratches out the nesting...
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