Recent content by doublecrossranch

  1. doublecrossranch

    Trees next to run? I want to tell my husband he is wrong

    My run is already covered with mesh wire and cattle panels. I only free range when I can right there with them. I was hoping a tree close by would let me work in my garden near by and not have to watch as much. The hawks, eagles, and vultures have tried to take chickens with me right there. The...
  2. doublecrossranch

    Arched Trellis Orientation?

    If I run them with the legs in the west and East I'm not worried about the north not getting full sun but I'm worried the east side will be shaded by the west side of the leg in the afternoon. But if I run the legs on the north and south will the plants on the north side be blocked my the leg on...
  3. doublecrossranch

    Arched Trellis Orientation?

    I want to build arched trellis' in my garden but am confused on the orientation. Should I run them with the opening running north/south or east/west? If I run them with the opening running north/south will the plants on the east side get enough sun? If I run them with the opening east/west will...
  4. doublecrossranch

    Ayam Cemani Hatch (Hatch-a-long)

    I got 6 from Jamie too! They should hatch tomorrow. I have mine under a broody cochin. I am wishing I had incubated them but the motor needs to be replaced.
  5. doublecrossranch

    calling any one from missouri

    Missouri garden question! I'm in Smithville 5b zone. I want to put arched trellis in my garden but finding mixed information of what direction to run them. I know to put them on the north side but do I run them east/west or north/south? And when they say run them ... Does that mean the what side...
  6. doublecrossranch

    Trees next to run? I want to tell my husband he is wrong

    I'll have to look into some vines that last through the fall! Thank you We already have a mouse issue. I have been fighting it from the beginning. I'm not worried about them at this point.
  7. doublecrossranch

    Trees next to run? I want to tell my husband he is wrong

    I want to plant fruit trees next or near my chicken run to help provide shade for the run and protection when free ranging. My husband thinks the fruits trees will give the hawks somewhere to hide and hunt. Pro or Con having fruit trees next to or near chicken run.
  8. doublecrossranch

    Crying/sick chick

    Next time she gets a mouse I’ll post a video. It’s pretty funny. She’s not blind but if she was a person she would be legally blind.
  9. doublecrossranch

    Crying/sick chick

    Update! She was crying and running around because she is completely deaf and partially blind. She is still crazy but happy. You should see her run with a mouse. It’s hilarious. When it swings in her eyesight she does a midair karate kick because she can’t tell what it is.
  10. doublecrossranch

    Big feet or scale mites?

    Just turned a year last month.
  11. doublecrossranch

    75% sure it’s a bit but I have doubts

    His/her mom has a massive comb so big it we were sure she was a boy. I’m still hoping for a girl but need to thin the flock of boys
  12. doublecrossranch

    75% sure it’s a bit but I have doubts

    I hope you are right! Only one has started crowing. It’s getting where the older roosters are starting the day fight because there are too many boys around. Lol
  13. doublecrossranch

    75% sure it’s a bit but I have doubts

    Half leghorn half australorp born Dec 4. We have 3 of them and they have all matured slowly. The other we know are boys. This one we keep going back and forth. Thoughts?
  14. doublecrossranch

    Big feet or scale mites?

    I have a very very large Cochin rooster. He is the sweetest “little” boy in the world. He has a limp sometimes but I can’t find an injury. I have confined him in the past but it never gets better. I was starting to think it might be scale mites. He has massively huge feet. I mean he actually has...
  15. doublecrossranch

    Mice in chicken house... any ideas on how to get rid of them? Without harming girls.

    I tried one of those and got nothing. I tried for a week with peanut butter and cat food
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