Recent content by DMFarm

  1. DMFarm

    2014 breeding season begins, post your results

    zaz One egg was laid on Sunday the other was laid on Tuesday I shipped them Wednesday and she received them in the mail Friday the oldest egg was 5 day old when she got them. I have had eggs do that several times over the years and I never set a egg over 7 day old
  2. DMFarm

    Who's laying??

    We have been getting eggs sense the middle of Feb. We have gray peacock pheasant setting on eggs and my Argus hen is setting
  3. DMFarm

    Ceylon Jungle fowl

    I also raise them here is a picture of my pair
  4. DMFarm

    Post Pics of your PURE Breed Pheasants here

    Shawn I have had them over a year now they are realy cool birds they love grapes and will eat out of my hand. Tony they are 3 years old Doug
  5. DMFarm

    Post Pics of your PURE Breed Pheasants here

    Move the argus out of there winter pen today and took some pictures
  6. DMFarm

    Peacock Pheasant Questions

    I have two breeder pairs of palawan and three breeding pairs and a trio of grays. The gray can handle the cold better than the palawans. Both are good mothers and will hatch and raise there chicks.
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