Recent content by dLamSlo8

  1. D

    A Goodbye to My Chickens and This Community

    Yeah I may do that :D I have a shiba inu puppy. Thanks for the well wishes.
  2. D

    A Goodbye to My Chickens and This Community

    Yeah for sure! In the future that's my plan. It's just in my scenario we got the chick from a family friend who also got them from other people, and had no idea whether they'd be cockerels or pullets, so we definitely knew the risk, but didn't anticipate all 6 to be cockerels hahaha.
  3. D

    A Goodbye to My Chickens and This Community

    No worries. I'm glad that you're able to have hens. Thanks for the support.
  4. D

    A Goodbye to My Chickens and This Community

    They look beautiful. Thank you for sharing. And look at those eggs! Love the variety. I hope your babies get to live long, wonderful lives. Keep doing what you're doing.
  5. D

    A Goodbye to My Chickens and This Community

    It definitely hurts, but I'll probably pop in and out once I finish grieving :') Thank you so much for the kind words.
  6. D

    A Goodbye to My Chickens and This Community

    Hi all, This post is a goodbye to my chickens, and consequently a goodbye to this community (for now.) I recently decided to give all my chickens (3 roosters) away for a few reasons. For one, I live in an urban area, and although I've cleared it with neighbors around me, I always felt bad...
  7. D

    Placement of Coop + Run in Backyard

    What kind of bedding would you personally use for a concrete-grounded run?
  8. D

    Placement of Coop + Run in Backyard

    Wow, thank you for all the considerations. I don't have photos on me right now, but it's essentially just a flat concrete slab. We definitely don't meet the requirements of the birds not destroying the grass, so that seems to be out of the question. I honestly haven't heard of dust bathing...
  9. D

    Placement of Coop + Run in Backyard

    Hi all. I'm starting to plan for when my chicks move out into a coop, and just want to make sure I'm making the correct decisions in doing so. Would love some advice here. Here's all the context: I live in an urban area with a backyard that's half concrete and half grass. There's enough of...
  10. D

    Treating prolapsed vent (Baby Chick, 2 weeks old)

    Sounds good. Yeah the other chicks kept pecking at it, so we had to isolate the affected chick into its own brooder. It seems to be doing better, but I just worry about re-integrating in back into the flock when we eventually move them all out into a coop. Do you have any advice on introducing...
  11. D

    Treating prolapsed vent (Baby Chick, 2 weeks old)

    Hi all, I think one of my chicks has a prolapsed vent. I've been spraying it with Vetericyn every day and trying to push it back in, but it's hard to keep it in. Could I get some help in confirming that this is, in fact, prolapsed vent, and how people have overcome and treated it, especially...
  12. D

    What breed are these chicks? Are there sex indicators for this breed?

    Awesome, thanks for your insights! Happy to be a new member of this community :)
  13. D

    What breed are these chicks? Are there sex indicators for this breed?

    Ahh got it. I just noticed the second chick's wattle now that you mention it. Though I don't see a wattle in the first pic. Could you point it out if you did? Also, I read that hens usually have a lighter (pinkish) and smaller comb and wattle. Is that correct in your experience? Thanks, Derek
  14. D

    What breed are these chicks? Are there sex indicators for this breed?

    Thanks for the welcome! I got them from a family friend, but unsure where they got them. Can inquire on that. What indicators do you see for them being male? Thank you, Derek
  15. D

    What breed are these chicks? Are there sex indicators for this breed?

    Hi all, I have 3 week old chicks, but I'm unsure what breed or sex they are. I need to know the sex because my local ordinance doesn't allow roosters. The distinguishing factors to me are the dark grey legs and kind of unique comb (unsure here.) The combs look different in each image, so I'm...
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