Recent content by djwingo

  1. djwingo

    cant put new chicks in pen with older!!

    ok tried to put my 3 or 4 week olds in with my 7 or 8 week olds and didnt work they pecked them alot had to take them out any suggestions?? also i have 3 roos and only want 1 where to get rid of them?? any ideas here either? thanks in advance
  2. djwingo

    What are everyone's chickens names and why?

    max n it i think ill name some bob and wendy ! my sons favorite show:)
  3. djwingo

    i want a couple of ducks but cant tell them from geese any way to tel

    ok me and my son want a couple of ducks but cant find any everyone has geese for sale i cannot tell the diff in a baby goose and a baby duck any idea on ways to tell or any pics i could show my son? thanks
  4. djwingo

    Can you over feed chicks?

    hmmm now only if i knew what a leghorn type is lol i have a dyed easter chick nc was just told she was a layer hen and one from the assorted pullets group nc again and 3 germen spitzhaubners but almost all of the food is eaten not much spilled
  5. djwingo

    clipping wings

    gonna sound stupid but i have never done it you use scissors or is there a special tool for it ? lol oh my what have i gotten myself into?? j/k
  6. djwingo

    How Does A Chicken Spur You?

    Wow i cringed when i read this lol ugh i dont think i can do it i would feel as if i was hurting him maybe i can find a vet who will do it yikes im still cringing at the thought love the lil advice abt not eating the potato yick!! rofl thanks great info!
  7. djwingo

    What are everyone's chickens names and why?

    OMG FINALLY OMEONE FROM OKLAHOMA i thought i was th only one glad to meet you
  8. djwingo

    How Does A Chicken Spur You?

    wow thanks guys for the info i had nc you could clip them but isnt this how he protects himself and the others?
  9. djwingo

    Is she a he??

    im still kinda new so i am just guessin but i would say yes based on how red her comb and waddles are already well his i mean lol
  10. djwingo

    How Does A Chicken Spur You?

    ok ive heard everyone talk abt spurring but havent had this experience yet thank god lol what is it exactly???
  11. djwingo

    Can you over feed chicks?

    good to know because in 10 hrs they have went through 3 bowls {well the feeder full} of feed omg lil piggys
  12. djwingo

    Where can i find info on german spitzhaubens?? pic included

    OH MY HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! hope mine turn out that pretty i have 3 now got 2 today im a chick addict
  13. djwingo

    What are everyone's chickens names and why?

    wow getting some good ideas i need a name for my sons i have nc what breed she was an assorted bantam well she may be a he........ solid yellowish gold with green eyes very pretty
  14. djwingo

    Look what we caught today

    I agree with chop it in half and relocate it both ways no way jose!!!! eeeeekkkkkkk its too big for me!!!
  15. djwingo

    Can you over feed chicks?

    i have 5 chicks 1 is a layer hen another is a dyed easter chick and 3 are german spitzhaubners just got 2 today they are in a tub w/ a heat lamp inside they are abt 2 and 3 weeks old and eating a TON!!!! just today they have went through 2 full feeders already its a small round on with...
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