Recent content by Disjewel1

  1. Disjewel1

    Review by 'Disjewel1' in article 'What Happens When Chickens Molt?'

    Fantastic article!!! Thank you so much. It is so incredibly helpful and much needed. I found myself reading it saying "wow, I had no idea or omg that totally makes sense!!" Thanks again!!
  2. Disjewel1

    New chicks and feeding

    Thank you for asking about this. I will be going through this sometime this week and am also new and wondered what to feed and how to seperate. Thank you all!!! Love this group and all the helpful tips, comments and articles!!
  3. Disjewel1

    Hen trying to broad?

    Thank you, great ideas! So I take it this is kinda common even though we dont have a rooster around?
  4. Disjewel1

    Hen trying to broad?

    Hi all, We have 3 Buff Orpington hens that are almost a year old and the last two days 1 of the hens has pretty much stayed in the coop on 1 egg 1 day and 2 eggs another day. I think she is trying to hatch them HOWEVER we have no rooster so there wouldnt be anything to hatch. We keep taking the...
  5. Disjewel1

    How do I keep my duck coop clean?

    I went to the feed store to get some straw to start to winterize the co-op for my ducks and chickens. 1 coop with a second level for the chickens. The feed store was out of straw so I got feed hay which was actually cheaper. I live in Maine where it gets VERY cold. If i layer shavings and leaves...
  6. Disjewel1

    Calling All Buff Orpington Lovers!

    Thank you, that is helpful!!!
  7. Disjewel1

    Calling All Buff Orpington Lovers!

    I am a new chicken owner and have 3 BO's. All girls and they are 11 weeks. I just want to hold and pat them but they are kinda skittish. 1 will let me hold her. We got them at a few days to a week old and handled them everyday. Will they come around to like being handled? We also hand feed...
  8. Disjewel1

    What breed are these?

    Thank you so much!!
  9. Disjewel1

    What breed are these?

    These are my 4 week old chicks. Tractor Supply said they were the Barred Rock breed but they don't have any black yet. Can anyone tell me if this is correct? Are they Barred Rock or another breed?
  10. Disjewel1

    New to chicks and ducks.

    Hello. We are new to the chicken and duck scene so I want to apologize if I end up sending lots of questions. We got into this because our neighbors have chickens and one of their hens did not stay in the coop kept coming over to our place and roosting then she ended up laying on an egg and...
  11. Disjewel1

    Ended Funny Chicken Name Contest - Win 60 lbs of Grubbly Layer Feed From GrubblyFarms

    We are new to the chicken and the duck thing. No name for the ducks but the 6 week old chick is "Spanky" and the 3 new chicklett's that are 2 weeks old are "Marsha, Jan & Cindy."
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