Recent content by Disheygirl

  1. Disheygirl

    Water belly/EYP draining thick yolk

    Is 500mg of Ammoxicilian too much for a full sized bird with an internal laying infection like EYP or salpingitis? Should I stick with 250?
  2. Disheygirl

    Pale, Mucusy Blobs in Poop

    Did you ever figure out what the problem was?
  3. Disheygirl

    Mucus in poop

    I have other threads about a hen I’ve had some issues with, but as far as poop goes, have you seen anything like this and how do you treat? I’ve had her on amoxicillin 250 for nine days, no improvement. Mucus like this on the board below her roost every night.
  4. Disheygirl

    Large Tumor (reproductive or liver)

    I have one with the same problem and have been giving her Meloxicam that the vet prescribed - basically they said make her comfortable until she says it’s time. She’s still eating and interacting with the flock but she’s slowing down and I feel sorry for her. I saw a thread about external...
  5. Disheygirl

    Pale, Mucusy Blobs in Poop

    I have a girl doing the same thing - took her to the vet for an X-ray and they said she had tumors - probably reproductive. 😢
  6. Disheygirl

    Chicken Tumor in Abdomen

    I found a broken egg in the nest box today along with some red blood (small amount). The shell color was hers. I’m still not convinced that it’s a tumor - the vet wasn’t an avian vet and the X-rays show something but it doesn’t look like a definitive mass. Maybe wishful thinking. If not a mass...
  7. Disheygirl

    Chicken Tumor in Abdomen

    She hasn’t been laying recently, but also hadn’t had any weird eggs. Just stopped over the winter and didn’t re-start. I am tempted to give her Baytril and see if it doesn’t do anything in case it’s an infection (unless there’s something better for an internal infection - I have about every...
  8. Disheygirl

    Chicken Tumor in Abdomen

    They said the area in red would normally be more open looking - not solid (which means a tumor).
  9. Disheygirl

    Chicken Tumor in Abdomen

    I have a two year old Austra White that was acting off a few months ago. Couldn’t figure out what was wrong, treated her with everything I could think of, and she perked up (probably not because of anything I did, knowing what I know now). She started acting withdrawn and had weird poop again...
  10. Disheygirl

    Help - Can’t figure this out

    I just noticed that when she drinks, the front of her gets wet. Could that be anything? I don’t see it dribbling but she’s wet now and standing at her water dish. I just had her out an hour ago and she was dry.
  11. Disheygirl

    Help - Can’t figure this out

    She’s a 4 lb bird - .4 ml of liquid Corid direct 1x a day, and 1tsp in 1/2 gallon of water and refresh her bowl from that a few times a day. (She doesn’t drink that much, I just refresh it) i’ll have to check on the SafeGuard…I wrote it down and have find my scrap paper. She’s inside now on...
  12. Disheygirl

    Help - Can’t figure this out

    I have a two year old Austra White who started looking a little sluggish last week. Then noticed runny poop on the board. I brought her inside where she’s been for a week and have done the following so far (nothing is making a difference so I’m just trying one thing at a time): 1. Corid direct...
  13. Disheygirl

    Help - Can’t figure this out

    I have a two year old Austra White who started looking a little sluggish last week. Then noticed runny poop on the board. I brought her inside where she’s been for a week and have done the following so far (nothing is making a difference so I’m just trying one thing at a time): 1. Corid direct...
  14. Disheygirl

    Egg Yolk Peritonitis?

    This morning. It’s the same color as Frank’s Red Hot (orange). Cocci? I have just about every medication out there but I don’t want to throw everything at her if it’s obviously one problem. Thoughts?
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