Recent content by digitS'

  1. digitS'

    SS may be temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.

    This is where I started, O These Many Years Ago. Already had a big garden but only a small flock. It's Sunday and likely a good day to visit the Seed Racks at the garden center. Shucks, that twitch in my eye is back! Maybe just too much coffee! Steve 😬
  2. digitS'

    SS may be temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.

    I will try a cup from that kettle, thank You! Nearly time for my second breakfast and I have just opened the Cheerios box and have these blueberries from ... Chile! Well, I guess that's okay, it is January. Steve :)
  3. digitS'

    The Easy Garden

    Receiving an error message when trying to access posts ... Swept maybe an inch of snow off the back steps and it is still too early for a second breakfast. Plant starts don't need water and are in some daylight. Seed company hasn’t replied as to why they only sent 1/4 of my order for new...
  4. digitS'

    Only BYC, not SS BYH TEG?

    And @Nifty-Chicken , I Thank You ☺️ Steve
  5. digitS'

    Only BYC, not SS BYH TEG?

    The sister sites are down? TEG website loaded very slowly earlier today. Now, not at all. Am I being too impatient? Turn off - wait 20 seconds - restart? Steve
  6. digitS'

    Sister Sites

    All Three .. . seem to be, up and running. You are both, very much appreciated :). Steve
  7. digitS'

    Sister Sites All are down. :/ Steve
  8. digitS'

    The BYC Store is glitching All are down, as well. Steve
  9. digitS'

    The Easy Garden ..?

    Thank you, Sumi. I have to get those sprinklers off now. You know how schedules have to be maintained but one never knows when situations might come up where advice is needed for an easier path to gardening success .. :) Steve
  10. digitS'

    The Easy Garden ..?

    Website is down? I don't find away to access and since the sprinklers are on out in my really garden, I've had a few hours to try to get on TEG. Any announcements on The Easy Garden status? Steve
  11. digitS'

    uh, oh - sister forums?

    Yes indeed! Thank you, TerrieLacy :). Steve
  12. digitS'

    uh, oh - sister forums?

    ThrEasyGarden, BackYardHerds, and SufficientSelf -- I get the same message, "An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later." Let's see, it's been 3 hours. My internet connection has been a little shaky this morning but other websites, including BYC, have come through ... Can...
  13. digitS'

    AAARRGHH!!! TEG-SS-BYH is down!

    I think it would be a good time for me to start that ruebeque sauce, don't you Bay'? Now, that's not Seedcorn teasing you with North/South, you grow/I grow . I have no idea whatsoever if rhubarb will make good barbeque sauce . Steve
  14. digitS'

    Chickens not eating all food in feeder

    I doubt if they go hungry with some feed always available and most any kind of access to it. They are motivated by actions and the responses of others. "Something new! It's edible! Others are eating it! Mine! Mine! MINE!" Those crops begin to fill up . . . When they are down to powder...
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