Recent content by dieselgrl48

  1. dieselgrl48

    UPDATE!Polish with feet froze off-What to do?Put her down?PICTURES!

    Wow So sorry about your hen. I had a duck that lost a foot to mud turtle attack once. The foot eventualy fell off even though I kept it nursed and cleaned. But The duck did just fine with one foot. I kept the nub taped for a few months and eventualy she was running faster than some of the bigger...
  2. dieselgrl48

    First Snow

    Awesome TY for sharing.
  3. dieselgrl48

    Lost our flock

    Could be Rats.I had Never had a carnage like I did this summer.I lost 25 graduated birds within a couple of days in a Closed coop.They didnt bother any of the bigger bird's just the young one's.Many were dragged behind wire in the pens some had chewed neck's and most just dead.The rat's had came...
  4. dieselgrl48

    Anyone else not doing Christmas this year?

    Well not decorating up etc. Guess We are planning on moving the week after so... Kinda depressing too since the youngest grandson is 2 this year and actualy enjoy the tree and stuff. We aren't buying gifts either just for the 2 grandson's.Everyone is financialy busted here.We hope to at least...
  5. dieselgrl48

    Lost 52 today..

    Wow so sorry about your loss. I would DEFINATELY be going to court. Some dog's in this area have been put down by property owners and livestock owner's due to Dummie's that don't care about their dog's or anyone else's livestock or family pet's.I personaly had to place a couple of strays or...
  6. dieselgrl48

    all juveniles drop dead in less than 24 hours

    Wow I dunno.I had had buyer's buy day old's +.I have only had one call up with problem with baby turkey once.I told her bring back immediatley but she didn't. The turkey did survive with some tip's I gave her to help it adapt to new surrounding's.I am very Informative about selling any birds and...
  7. dieselgrl48

    November Hatch -- Who's going to have late fall babies?

    Not Me.Usualy Im in but my bator's have been shut down for about 3/4 week's now.None of the last few duck egg's made it.I got 6 frizzle or cochin from last one's in.They are doing great so far.I only have a few bantam hen's left anyway and most are laying so sporadic.Bsicaly working off on grow...
  8. dieselgrl48


    2 out of 3 egg's I ever hatched from hatching egg's 6 1/2 years ago on Xmas was a pair of serama's.One was a silkie hen.I live in Virginia and I didn't know the first thing really about chicken's.After reading up on them and hearing so much about them being warm climate bird's I so worried.But...
  9. dieselgrl48

    What is wrong with my Muscovy's wings!

    Angel wing.I had a couple geese with it.It's high protien feed apparently.Or medicated feed's can cause in waterfowl also.If she is young you might have a little sucess taping the wing's but...
  10. dieselgrl48

    Help! I can't tell if I have 2 boys or girls or a pair....

    My guess they are both male.I have only had a few peas and the males developed more breast color than the hen's at that age in the Indian Blue mixes I had.Maybe someone else can help with more exp. with pea's.Tried to upload a pic of one of my yearling males but grrrrrrr stupid dial up!
  11. dieselgrl48

    So sad tonight

    Soo sorry about your Roo.Most likely a fox they rarely leave their prey.They usualy go for neck kill then carry the prey back to den and not many feather's usualy.Sorry, maybe He will show up I hope so.
  12. dieselgrl48

    Do Chickens Get Dandruff??

    Yea perfectly natural.You can brush them with a soft brush if it bother's you.They usualy take care of it themselve's with natural grooming.It will all come off eventualy.
  13. dieselgrl48

    Mallards for Dinner (Warning Graphic Pics)

    Sorry your mallard's didn't work out for you.I sold All of mine off but only due to possible move.I got this last run from TSC spring.+ 2 drakes my brother gave me last Nov.I had gotten 6 pekin's too I have had both before with no issue's.I had mallards and calls they would just fly around a bit...
  14. dieselgrl48

    Bathing a Silkie?

    BE NIKE JUST DO IT!. Baby Shampoo and a Light Blow DRY.Be grateful You don't have duckling's that need bathed LOL.At least you have an Extra bathtub.We gotta all use one here.
  15. dieselgrl48

    Bake sale...need ideas. Update pics/sale results!

    There so MANY pickled egg recipes online.You might consider doing some Cajun one's some people like those.Not sure how long the curing process is on them though.I always make the basic beet one's myself.Custard's would be great.Carrot Cake Cupcake's with some Thanksgiving or fall party...
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