Recent content by Dianestern

  1. D

    Baby chicks hatched on day 18 worries about other eggs

    I don’t have an incubator but I did just make a smaller zone and can put a top on it so she can’t get out. Good idea!
  2. D

    Baby chicks hatched on day 18 worries about other eggs

    I have 11 eggs under mama hen and two hatched today (day 18) and I’m worried she’s gonna abandon her other eggs. Any suggestions?
  3. D

    Free coop past history of Mareks

    It’s a temporary enclosure for some chicks until they can be integrated into my big coop. I just have to get them out of the brooder. Seems like it’s adequate for a temporary place, no?
  4. D

    Free coop past history of Mareks

    Read all of that and it seems like it’s hard to stay away from it. Sheesh. I just posted pics of the coop and would follow with the cleaning products listed in that article. It’s hard to pass up such a nice one!
  5. D

    Free coop past history of Mareks

    Here are pics of the coop. It’s newer. Thanks for the posts going to follow the link now!
  6. D

    Free coop past history of Mareks

    Hi! I was just offered a free coop which I desperately need and it has a history of mareks. 90% if my birds are from hatcheries but I hatched a few myself and are therefore not vaccinated. And I have a broody hen doing her thing now. The coop has been empty for 8 months and I would of course...
  7. D

    Excited to join!

    I’m a new member. I’ve had chickens for 3 years now. I currently have 8 hens and a too plus 10 meat bird chicks and 5 Turkey poults. I’ve heard great things about this community!
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