Recent content by devora

  1. devora

    Suggestions for chicken breeds for kids?

    Buff Orps FTW!
  2. devora

    Heat bulb & flooring choice- which are best?
  3. devora

    Scared to let them out

    Welcome to the World of Chicken! If you have an aggressive fox you stand a chance of losing some. Is there a fenced-in area outside? How old are your birds? The way I protect my girls when out (very rural area, lots of stuff out there that wants to eat them) is by being out w/ them. But of...
  4. devora

    MyPetChicken FAIL, need alternative

    As always, this community has been great. I could never have started raising chicks wo/ BYC! They said they will refund the cost of the chicks but not the shipping (over $100 shipping!). I'm going to try to go local (as in California). Good advice. Thanks again, everyone!
  5. devora

    MyPetChicken FAIL, need alternative

    Thank you, both, I deeply appreciate your thoughtful answers. I sent them an email earlier this morning letting them know how upsetting it was. And I will look for something local as well. All good advice, THX!
  6. devora

    MyPetChicken FAIL, need alternative

    Hi All-- For about a decade I've been getting birds from both the local ag stores (for the "farm birds" as I think of them, Leghorns, BRs, etc.) and MyPetChicken. I use MPC b/c 1. They have some interesting birds I can't always find in the ag store and 2. They will ship as few as three birds...
  7. devora

    Brooder bedding alternative

    Agree w/ snow, newspapers on the bottom covered w/ a layer of paper towels. Depending on the mess either daily over other day roll the whole thing up and start over. Funny, I've always raised my girls inside w/ me and never had any allergy/breathing issues. Good luck!!
  8. devora

    chicken broken leg

    I'm in the same boat. I've never had to deal w/ this and am pretty clueless. I've got her in a sling, but is that the way to go? B/c mine, just like the OP, isn't being picked on. Would I be better to put her back in w/ her "sisters" so she'll have company? Signed, At a Complete Loss
  9. devora

    Cats and chicks.

    I never let my chicks out until they are fully feathered and at least half of their grown size, and even then only for a short while. Perhaps I'm overly cautious. Were you meaning to ask about the cats? I have four and they have never bothered a chick, pullet, or hen.
  10. devora

    Freeloaders no more.

    Just curious, why do you not have them lay in the coop?
  11. devora

    Dominant Hens

    I have the same issue every time I introduce newbies. It can be ugly to watch. What I do is keep a close eye so no blood is drawn, free range as much as I can, and wait for the young ones to grow. Eventually, every time, it works out. Good luck.
  12. devora

    Behavior help!

    I had the same Q about it being a roo.
  13. devora

    How to flush impacted crop w/ water?

    Thank you for that detailed link. I used to think I was a pro at handling my chickens but I just don't have the confidence to perform that.It is intense. But really, thank you. I'm simply not competent enough. Guess I'll stick w/ the eyedropper.
  14. devora

    How to flush impacted crop w/ water?

    Oh thank you for the bump, I'm really getting desperate. This is the advice that is confusing me: Using a syringe and tube, put water gently into the esophagus, behind the opening at the back of the throat that goes to the lungs. Gently massage the crop several times per day, softening the...
  15. devora

    How to flush impacted crop w/ water?

    I think my three month old New Hampshire Red has an impacted crop. The crop is full in the morning and she's thin and sluggish. I'd read that they need water (some use oil) during this time. In the past I've simply opened the beak and poured a little in (I now have an eye dropper) but read this...
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