Recent content by deepbluesea

  1. deepbluesea


    There's a woman in NC who has Vorwerks, Pita Pinta As., and a few others. She's on FB as the Hickory Chickery.
  2. deepbluesea

    Red Shoulder Hawks...

    I got one of those fake owls, and within a week, something had ripped its head off. Here's a juvenile Cooper's hawk who was trying his skills on my flock. And yes, that's the broom I used to dissuade him. I kept my girls in the coop/covered run for a week and a half after that. No problems since.
  3. deepbluesea

    Fancy Chickens Thread. Show Off Those Fancy Birds!!!

    Here's Rosie, my appenzeller spitzhauben
  4. deepbluesea

    How to curb bad free ranging behaviour.

    Hah! I have hoodlums as well. My original chickens (4 years old) have taught my newbies (6 months) how to jump the fence and wander over to my unpleasant neighbor's cedar patch, which has berries. I don't mind so much when they go to my other neighbor's place, because she and her kids think...
  5. deepbluesea

    New pullets chasing rabbits

    It would be quite the roadtrip! Maybe they could do a zoom consult. :D
  6. deepbluesea

    Cream Legbar Breeders?

    My avatar is my dear departed CCL, Flash. She was a sweetie, but don't think she was SOP. Loved her floof, though.
  7. deepbluesea

    What breed are these girls?

    You've got a speckled sussex and I think the other one is the olive egger, because I have one that looks almost exactly like her. Welcome!
  8. deepbluesea

    New pullets chasing rabbits

    Yeah, I've never seen any of them chase squirrels, even when they're all eating the dropped wild bird food in the same place. That's why it surprised me. The weirdos!
  9. deepbluesea

    New pullets chasing rabbits

    This is a new one for me! I have ten 8-week-old pullets; they've been out in the coop with the oldsters (4 years) for more than a month. None of my other chickens have ever done this, but I just looked out the kitchen window and three of them--barred rock, welsummer and Easter Egger--were...
  10. deepbluesea

    Green Queen/Meyer Hatchery

    I love seeing everyone's Green Queens! Here's mine--this bunch is five weeks old. All black with one white wingtip. She's pretty chill and hangs around, but has zero interest in being handled. In the group pix, she's on the right.
  11. deepbluesea

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hi all! Sorry about those of you dealing with nasty weather. What a pain! Hope it passes quickly. It's been really nice here lately. I've been eating broccoli, various and sundry greens and asparagus. My tomato and pepper seedlings need to get potted up, and I'm behind on starting my other...
  12. deepbluesea

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Sunflowers can grow almost anywhere there's full sun, IMO. I had several that shot up in the yard this fall, from the hens or the wild birds. Go for it!
  13. deepbluesea

    Feeding Different Aged Birds

    Yep, same for me. Only a buck or two cheaper, but since it simplifies things, it's worth even more!
  14. deepbluesea

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thanks for the welcome back! :) @Wee Farmer Sarah I put it in my tumbler composter and my regular one. It cooks much quicker in the tumbler. I've got a two-part one, so I put in a bunch, wet it, then work on the other one while the first cooks. I've gotten some good rich compost out of it...
  15. deepbluesea

    Final Flock Composition - Approve/Critique/Suggest

    Hi! I saw this late, but I have a nine-month old RIR LF, Red Sonja, and surprisingly, she's pretty chill. She's mid-to-low in the pecking order as well, which is odd, because she's much bigger than my appenzeller spitzhaubens and golden campine and isbars. I'd heard they were aggressive as well...
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