Recent content by DawnSuiter

  1. DawnSuiter

    Comment by 'DawnSuiter' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    I'm really glad that this article has provided so many of you with alternatives to the traditional deep litter method. While it's not ideal for everyone, it has a lot of value to many. Keep on reporting your results and tips. In my area of the Smokies, the River Sand used is a coarse gravel...
  2. DawnSuiter

    Blue/Brown Eggs, Easter/Christmas Eggs - Getting my craft on!!

    I'm sitting here with 2 dozen goose eggs and 1.5 dozen green & brown chicken eggs and not nearly enough time before our Farmer's Market Holiday Market on Saturday where I hope to sell them. At the stores over the last few weeks, I found a total of 5, yes 5 transfer choices. :( next to NO...
  3. DawnSuiter

    Comment by 'DawnSuiter' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    Melabella - I can't decide for you which substrate would be better, but did mention that wet poopy sand is not good and is usually best for covered areas. For outdoor spaces I rely heavily on large free piles of wood bark chips, something that resembles mulch. Eventually we turn it into the...
  4. DawnSuiter

    Comment by 'DawnSuiter' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    Wow, I'm SO sorry folks. I've been traveling around the last few months and have gotten so far behind. Let me see how many I can answer in one post. I will follow up shortly.
  5. DawnSuiter

    Goose with worms??!

    This is the Gander a couple months ago when the babies were small. His deformity came with him, his head sits on the left side of his neck. Here he is bathing with the group, he is the upside down one! LOL Celtic, I am away from home, Lane is my daughter, she is charged with caring for...
  6. DawnSuiter

    Goose with worms??!

    Start with wazine, 1oz per gallon for one day remove other water for the day. Recheck in two weeks and keep an eye on him until then. If no improvement then you can increase to the ivermectin treatment. Wazine for all poultry, and deworm dogs too for that matter. I feel strongly like an...
  7. DawnSuiter

    Comment by 'DawnSuiter' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    When chicks are ready for wood chips or anything else other than paper towels, they can handle the sand. Be sure to use the same training you would for wood chips, introducing the new sand to them slowly, and making sure that they are eating food well on their own and know the difference between...
  8. DawnSuiter

    Comment by 'DawnSuiter' in article 'So You Want A Colorful Egg Basket'

    A mixed color basket is the best. I'm incubating chocolate eggers now to add to my flock!
  9. DawnSuiter

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Happy Easter everyone.
  10. DawnSuiter

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Awwww... what a great looking bunch! Next time, my daughter and I will SURELY try to attend!
  11. DawnSuiter

    Comment by 'DawnSuiter' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    I had not seen this page since the upgrade here, my apologies for not answering questions sooner. NewChickHere, the silica COULD affect the lungs of the chickens, it's highly debated often. However, I don't feel it is an issue with proper ventilation and when you replace the sand occasionally...
  12. DawnSuiter

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Hey Bairo, I'm in Parrottsville/Del Rio and on the hunt for some Welsummers or other dark egg layers... just a couple is all I really want, but I'll hatch if I have to. Are you offering any birds or hatching eggs now? Dang.. there is a get together?? I've really been unplugged for too long!
  13. DawnSuiter

    Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

    I do, I choose organic full fat myself.
  14. Jokes N Funnies

    Jokes N Funnies

    The 2008 Rendition of.... Why did the Chicken Cross the Road? (warning... political humor abounds) BARACK OBAMA: The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a CHANGE! The chicken wanted CHANGE! JOHN MCCAIN: My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to...
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