Recent content by Dawn419

  1. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    Those are gorgeous, Kassaundra! They'll be a nic contrast to my mainly white-flowered Iris bed:
  2. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    The raspberries are looking really good...I think this little cool spell is really helping, too. They'll be going in the ground either this evening or tomorrow but need to run the soaker hose so I can dig their new homes. We've had chances of rain the past 3 days and have only seen about 20...
  3. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    Very cool, Kassaundra! Will have to try that combo as I have some of the African Daisies from the swap, too!
  4. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    You Rock, bockbock! I just realized that I didn't brag about what type of seeds I got, so here's my list: Warty Oval and Crown of Thorn gourds Torch Tithonia Lemon Drop Marigolds Red Chantenay Carrots India Mustard Black Zucchini Squash Jack Be Little Pumpkins Californai Poppy Galeux...
  5. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    Kassaundra, You might find this Fire Cider tonic recipe helpful: Hubby and I have been taking it for months now and love the stuff! Here's a link from the Sufficient Self sister site, where several of us are concocting it and taking it...
  6. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    If the neighbor said they're delicious, then they're white flowered. We had some back in TN and though the berries were small, the flavor screamed "I am Strawberry!' and I messed up and didn't bring any of the plants wth me. Plants I have (off the top of my head): Autumn Joy Sedum...
  7. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    Hi itsy! Are your wild strawberries the ones with white blooms or yellow? If they are white-flowered, I'm interested in some. Are you looking for anything specific? I'm taking a quick break from seed planting, but will be back...
  8. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    Got my seeds today! Thank you, bockbock for hosting this and to all who participated! bockbock, If you can get fresh horseradish root from the grocery store, you can plant sections of it: If you can't find it, let me know as I...
  9. Dawn419

    Orchids, anyone? *pics*

    Here's some info that should help you: I've never heard of using ice cubes to water them. We just mist the roots daily and gave the pots a good soaking once a week in warm weather, using rain water.
  10. Dawn419

    Orchids, anyone? *pics*

    Your Phals are gorgeous, pears! Hubby had quite a collection of orchids before we met, then got back into them after we got together. I was terrfied at the thought of growing them, too, but it didn't last long! Here's two photo albums of some of our old collection...
  11. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    Seeds are in the mail!
  12. Dawn419

    2012 Spring Seed Swap

    Going to add a request for a few Silvery Fir Tree tomato seeds, if anyone happens to have this variety. BlackBrookPoultry, Will send you some dill seed. I have the Mammoth for sure and should have Bouquet (short variety) too, just haven't come across hose seeds yet and I know I them!
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