Recent content by danegirl88

  1. danegirl88

    Two deaths...same symptoms.

    Hey guys, I'm stumped. No new birds previous to the first death, no visitors, no trips to chicken places, nothing. Full biosecurity measures. Enclosed coop, covered run, whole nine yards. Ages varying from 14-18 weeks. Enter the nor'easter. Chicken door to the coop slams shut in the wind...
  2. danegirl88

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    Got her from a private breeder, not a hatchery. Not sure what mixes created the Easter eggers though
  3. danegirl88

    Winter Lighting

    So...I got some late hatches this year, with ages ranging to date from 10 weeks to 15 weeks. This puts them at starting to lay in October/November. I'm worried with winter fast approaching (it never really starts getting actually cold here until January, but days get shorter before then) that...
  4. danegirl88

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    Hello guys! Hoping to get some info on my bird here. She's about three months old, but I don't think she has a pea comb? (still very new). I do know she's from a splash marans over easter eggers. I'm guessing I'll end up with a nice dark brown egg from her then? Also, any idea if she's...
  5. danegirl88

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Yeah...there's no way I have space to have my coops over a half mile apart...heck, at that rate, I'm sure there's other hen keepers within that distance from me. EDIT: In my case, I'm dealing with a local breeder that many others have purchased from with no issue, so I'm doing the quarantine...
  6. danegirl88

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    How far apart do coops need to be for an effective quarantine? I only have about 40 feet between my two coops, and they're almost in a direct line (one is somewhat sheltered behind the corner of my hubby's woodworking shop). I'm concerned that this is not an effective quarantine situation and...
  7. danegirl88


    Swap at the Chesapeake southern states with free class at 10:30 on Saturday
  8. danegirl88

    How to "teach" pullets to roost?

    We had some really bad thunder storms coming in today. The DH spent half an hour trying to get the girls to go inside before giving up, all without me asking him at all (I was quite impressed). I went to go put them to bed tonight and they were already in the coop but not asleep, so they got...
  9. danegirl88

    paint color inside coop walls - chicken preference??

    This is amazingly epic. I am also interested in interior/exterior finish for the inside of the coop. I know my exterior is going to be a tan/beige to match the workshop with forest green accents to match the shutters, but the inside I can do whatever I want :) I really like the idea of...
  10. danegirl88

    Double layer chicken wire?

    Good advice here, guys. My parents found me a roll of chicken wire and seemed disappointed that I said I might not have much use for it. They still seem confused as to why I want to use hardware cloth instead. I was thinking potentially of using it as a partial roof over the run, or maybe as...
  11. danegirl88

    Suspicious of my BR "pullet"

    Very true, I'll just have to wait and see, I suppose. Here's a video, if it helps. I was actually just proud that all three were sharing harmoniously here. The one I posted the thread about is on the right.
  12. danegirl88

    Suspicious of my BR "pullet"

    Oh dear, does look very cockerel-like in that picture, huh? Here's another pic of the one on the right - still thinking roo?
  13. danegirl88


    My 3 gals right now are only at 5 weeks, so I'm kind of scared to try bringing in full grown birds at the moment. I do know I want to bring in 3 more total when I bring them in, so I have even 3 on 3 for figuring out the new pecking order. Obviously after the new ones pass their quarantine...
  14. danegirl88


    I wants them soooo badly! Other big thing holding me back is the seller is unsure of gender, and I can't have roos. But otherwise....*makes grabby hands*
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