Recent content by dainerra

  1. dainerra

    My dogs are killing my chickens

    herding behavio is just controlled prey drive. The reason the BC changed his behavior around the chickens is 2-fold. First, a group of dogs reacts to everything differently than a single dog unless you have put work into training them together. Second, the boston taught him that chasing...
  2. dainerra

    English Springer Spaniel digestion issues

    sharing this from my comment on your other thread it's possible that she has a heavy parasite load if there are fleas on her. Fleas spread tapeworm. And a heavy load can leave her with no appetite as well as extreme weight loss. But a heavy worm load should also be treated under a vet's care...
  3. dainerra

    Dog fleas--action points?

    no matter what you use, if you don't get fleas out of the environment it will be useless. Confine the dogs to a treated area for a while, until you are sure they are flea free. Then the repellents and meds can keep them bug free when they roam the rest of the property. Keep an area around...
  4. dainerra

    Advice on a backed up shepherd collie mix

    mineral oil can help if she is simply constipated. so can adding pumpkin to her food, to keep her regular. a vet checkup, just to make sure she doesn't have a blockage may be in order. Once we hit a certain age, it seems that nothing works quite like it should anymore
  5. dainerra

    Breeding my chocolate lab with a golden retriever

    Other things you have to consider before pairing any two dogs. What other diseases are in the pedigree? Allergies, cancer, arthritis, longevity are controlled largely by genetics. All are things a good breeder can predict the risks of on paper before even considering breeding.
  6. dainerra

    Breeding my chocolate lab with a golden retriever

    all puppies are cute. And they can be tempting and everyone "wants" a puppy until it's time to actually take them home. Now you have 5,6,7 puppies that are growing fast and becoming more and more unmanageable and they are no longer cute babies but wild gangly teenagers.
  7. dainerra

    Breeding my chocolate lab with a golden retriever

    Some things to consider that are far more important than whatcolor the pups will be. Have you had hips and elbows evaluated? Do you have homes lined up for as many as 12 pups? Do you have a contract in place for when the pups are ready for their new homes? Do you have experience in...
  8. dainerra

    Help with dog training

    Actually, the very act of wearing a no-pull harness results in muscle damage. Much like head halters, it is a marketing gimmick designed to make humans feel better with no actual benefit to the dog and a...
  9. dainerra

    Help with dog training

    forget the harness all toghether. no pull harnesses are linked to muscle damage and a regular harness is going to encourage her excitement and give you less control. Get a martingale (limited slip) collar at least. But honestly, at her age, I would get a prong collar. What are you doing...
  10. dainerra

    Wart removal on dogs

    I would first get a vet simply because there are some medical issues that can cause warts in dogs so freezing them off might not be of any use. Also, make sure that they are warts and not fatty tumors or other issues common in dogs. In my experience, warts in dogs don't typically work well...
  11. dainerra

    Help with dog training

    if you have a hard time juggling multiple objects, use a voice marker (I use YES!) instead of a clicker. I could never master having my finger on the button at the exact second that I needed to mark a behavior and timing is everything with any marker method. Work on a strong "leave it"...
  12. dainerra

    Can someone help with my German shepherd?

    As a German Shepherd breeder, I can tell you that this is only partially true. HD is largely genetic so finding a breeder who x-rays and tests their stock is a must. Secondly, the best way to ease hip issues is building muscle and weight training is a great way to do that. Exercise induced...
  13. dainerra

    Can someone help with my German shepherd?

    a backpack and weight is a good way to exercise a GSD. It's simply another job for them to do.
  14. dainerra

    Chicks and a Dog?

    basically, your mom is setting things up for disaster. Yes, dogs can live outside IF you have a job for them outside. If you have kids that spend the majority of their time outside and will spend that time interacting with the dog. If the dog gets attention for the majority of the day to...
  15. dainerra

    Chicks and a Dog?

    also, you need to know breed to know if your dog is going to be covered by your homeowner's insurance. if not, you could have a fire or other issue and OOPS you aren't covered because you have this dog that is a banned breed. Yes, they can do that even if the incident is not related to the...
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