Recent content by D-Bar-B

  1. D-Bar-B

    What's the point of raising your Coop off the ground? My Thoughts / Asks

    My coop is ground level and just on what was once grass and now is just dirt and the straw I put it in. We’ve had no problems with it!
  2. D-Bar-B

    What's your "Dream Flock"? How many chickens is the perfect amount for you? What breeds do you adore?

    I love my current flock (although I’d love to add a few more). I currently have 12 laying hens (no roosters because of city ordinance). They’re Dominiques, Welsummers, Buff Orpingtons, Golden-laced Wyandottes, Light brown leghorns and Golden Campiness. I’d love to add a couple bantam silkies...
  3. D-Bar-B

    Should I have water and feed in the coop? Pro's & Con's

    It's really personal preference. I keep the food/water outside of the coop because my girls tend to kick all the straw into their water when I've tried to keep in in the coop for them. The only time having it outside is an issue is when the lovely dust storms are blowing through our place in...
  4. D-Bar-B

    Just purchased 7 baby chicks

    Congratulations! I remember when I got my first day old chicks last April...and I'm trying to figure out how to ask for forgiveness instead of permission if I decide to get some more babies this year. :fl Have fun with them!
  5. D-Bar-B

    Yellow ears

    It is both ears and her neck area looks like my other hens when they’d start to molt. I’m keeping an eye on her to make sure she’s still eating, drinking and acting “normal”. Thanks for the reply.
  6. D-Bar-B

    Yellow ears

    I have 2 light brown leghorns pullets. They’re 10 months old. The ears on one of them has recently changed from white to yellow and she has pin feathers around her neck. These are my first white ear/white egg layers so I didn’t know if she’s starting to molt and it affects ear color too? I’d...
  7. D-Bar-B

    Do you let your chickens out in the cold rain?

    So true! :lau:bow
  8. D-Bar-B

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I have some customers that don't care how big or small...they just love the fresh eggs instead of store-bought. Around here they sell for $3/dozen but we are in a small town with alot of farms/chickens and demand. Just an hour up the road, people pay $4/dozen because it's more...
  9. D-Bar-B

    "Treats" that your birds don't like

    These items have already been mentioned...but bread is the favorite of my girls. I'm thankful because when one decides to fly into the dog's yard instead of their own, bread is what gets them over into their own side again. They also love bananas (especially when my toddler grandson is the one...
  10. D-Bar-B

    Do you prefer barred rocks or dominiques?

    I've never had Barred Rocks, but have two Dominiques...they aren't flighty at all, but they do free-range all day. They've been good layers and they're feathers are very soft and almost velvet-feeling. My grandson loves to touch them...and they don't seem to mind too much. Good luck with...
  11. D-Bar-B

    Welsummer eggs color

    I'm not good at figuring out who is laying...I just gather the eggs :D But I'm pretty sure only one welsummer is laying because the other one is in a full-on molt. I also have Dominiques and I might be getting some speckled from them? I'm still new to chickens...I'm just excited I finally...
  12. D-Bar-B

    Welsummer eggs color

    I do get speckled eggs also, but more often it's these beautiful dark brown eggs. :)
  13. D-Bar-B

    Welsummer eggs color

    Here's a picture of my Welsummers (and the chick in my profile picture is one of them). The darkest eggs are from these girls. Isn't it fun finding eggs when those pullets finally decide to start laying??
  14. D-Bar-B

    First egg from Easter egger

    I have 2 welsummers and I absolutely love their dark eggs! What a beautiful array of eggs you're getting! YAY!!!
  15. D-Bar-B

    Who laid these eggs??

    And just like of my light brown leghorns laid my first white egg...I know which one laid it because I found her in the nesting box and the egg was still wet :celebrate It’s the cutest little egg...this pic is with an Orpington hen egg.
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