Recent content by cuckoo maran lover

  1. cuckoo maran lover

    chicken with bloody foot and not moving

    she isn't really limping this morning, so i think she just got a cut on the outside of her foot. she is so much better, she is eating and drinking water and walking around a lot.
  2. cuckoo maran lover

    chicken with bloody foot and not moving

    this is the kind of feeder we have but the part they step on is solid metal, but we think that when she went to eat another chicken stepped on it and pinched her foot under it. BTW this isn't a picture of our chickens, this picture is off the internet.
  3. cuckoo maran lover

    chicken with bloody foot and not moving

    Update: she is a lot better today! she is eating and drinking!
  4. cuckoo maran lover

    chicken with bloody foot and not moving

    she is inside, she won't eat though
  5. cuckoo maran lover

    chicken with bloody foot and not moving

    she is better this morning!! standing up to reposition, and i had her drink a little water.
  6. cuckoo maran lover

    chicken with bloody foot and not moving

    sorry, not a great picture, she is not moving.
  7. cuckoo maran lover

    chicken with bloody foot and not moving

    she is breathing steadily which i KNOW is a good sign!👍
  8. cuckoo maran lover

    chicken with bloody foot and not moving

    it looks like one of the scales was pulled off, i don't think she was bullied, she is pretty respected by the other chickens. she is not drinking right now but in the morning maybe i could get her to drink something... if she is still alive.
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