Recent content by CTBirdGirl

  1. C

    Mandarin Ducks Ducklings

    Thank you! This is very helpful!
  2. C

    Mandarin Ducks Ducklings

    I have drakes I’m willing to sell separately. You can text or call me 203-832-9797 if you’d like!
  3. C

    Mandarin Ducks Ducklings

    Just wondering if anyone has had success or can offer advice on how to find great homes for mandarin ducklings. I have 16 that hatched this spring and I’m having a difficult time finding qualified homes. I’ve had lots of people respond to my ads who are familiar with domesticated ducks but don’t...
  4. C

    Mandarin and wood Duck Compatability

    So I went ahead and got the Wood Duck pair and one of my well established Mandarin hens is in fact allowing the Wood Duck to mate with her - leaving her previous Mandarin drake solo. The Wood Duck hen seems to have absolutely no issue with her drake mating with the mandarin so they have formed a...
  5. C

    Mandarin & Wood Duck Compatibility

    Thank you - I just posted there
  6. C

    Mandarin and wood Duck Compatability

    I have 4 pairs of Mandarins. 3 pairs are bonded although 1 seems uncertain if they’ll remain so this year as the hen is trying her hardest to pair with a young juvenile I bought this past summer rather than her mate from last year. I feel that’s important to note since I have at least 2 and...
  7. C

    Mandarin & Wood Duck Compatibility

    I have 4 pairs of Mandarins. 3 pairs are bonded although 1 seems uncertain if they’ll remain so this year as the hen is trying her hardest to pair with a young juvenile I bought this past summer rather than her mate from last year. I feel that’s important to note since I have at least 2 and...
  8. C

    Mystery Chicken who Isn’t Laying at almost 8 Months

    But I thought cream Legbar always have a fluffy tophat? Like this……?
  9. C

    Mystery Chicken who Isn’t Laying at almost 8 Months

    There are! It’s a sex-linked recessive color mutation. I have 2 pairs of whites and 3 pairs of normals.
  10. C

    Mystery Chicken who Isn’t Laying at almost 8 Months

    Thanks for the insight. I think one of the most puzzling aspects is how she doesn’t entirely look like a Cream Legbar despite coming from an outfit that presumably highly regulates their breeding. And yes, those are mandarins. My absolute FAVORITE fowl of all time.
  11. C

    Mystery Chicken who Isn’t Laying at almost 8 Months

    I bought 5 day-old chicks from My Pet Chicken. They hatched on May 1st. One was supposedly a Cream Legbar but at 32+ weeks she has never laid an egg (I am certain of this as she is my only full-sized hen, my remaining bantams are all laying but their eggs are tiny). She also sort of looks like a...
  12. C

    Duckling stuck on side after hatching

    I’m reassured to hear that....I’ve never had to assist a hatch before and I do feel badly that the other ducking likely would have made it if I’d intervened earlier but I have always heard it’s best not to. I’m wondering if my hens did a poor job of brooding them as 2 of the 3 pipped on the...
  13. C

    Duckling stuck on side after hatching

    Thank you very much for this great thread. I had 3 call duck eggs - all were under broody hens until the last 3 days when I brought them into a ready incubator. 1 pipped, hatched & did beautifully. The other 2 pipped on the wrong end and made no progress after 48 hours. I helped both - one was...
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