Recent content by Cryllc82

  1. C

    Hen has floppy comb and doesn't lay anymore

    She actually had bumblefoot last year and we got that cleared up fairly quickly. I checked her a few weeks ago for it again but I'll re examine her tonight for it. Thank you 🙂
  2. C

    Hen has floppy comb and doesn't lay anymore

    Hi there, my largest hen is a mystic marans, 2 years old. Her comb is still very red has become flopped over and discolored a darker color on the tips and she has stopped laying the last 2 months or so. She isn't walking funny but something is off about her. She seems to have less interest in...
  3. C

    Damaged nare/nostril

    Yes I will! I was just shocked, she is a very sweet chicken so that makes her a target at times
  4. C

    Damaged nare/nostril

    Thank you! I have some Vetirycin and will try this :)
  5. C

    Damaged nare/nostril

    Hi there. This evening I noticed one of my hens has a chunk missing from her nostril on one side. It is fairly dirty as you can see but it doesn't appear infected or weeping. I think another hen probably did it to her. Should I be worried about this injury? And that part will probably not regrow?
  6. C

    Swollen eye, no puss ball

    I'm very sorry to hear that. You tried the best you could and that is what matters. I have 5 hens and lost one last August very quickly before I could even discern a plan of action. I've been dealing with a terrible cyst or granuloma on my old quaker parrot's under eye and was looking over posts...
  7. C

    Swollen eye, no puss ball

    What was the outcome for your hen?
  8. C

    I own chickens but could use any advice on my 26 year old Quaker parrot

    He is still not completely better. Still having nasal discharge on one side that is thick and clear but runny at times but the quantity has reduced at least. His appetite is good so I keep on with remedies. I'm putting terramycin ointment on his eyes once a day and around the bad nostril because...
  9. C

    I own chickens but could use any advice on my 26 year old Quaker parrot

    I bet your birds are a lot of fun 🧡 and thanks again ♥️
  10. C

    I own chickens but could use any advice on my 26 year old Quaker parrot

    Parrots can taste way more or appreciate it? Lol! I've been sprinkling bird probiotic on a piece of boiled egg white or moistened lettuce. Also some stuff called Thrive sick bird formula. It looks like vitamins basically. I'm spraying Vetirycin into his nose and also swabing the outside with...
  11. C

    I own chickens but could use any advice on my 26 year old Quaker parrot

    Hi there, I am a chicken owner of 5 hens, I lost one of my girls very quickly the end of last month but I'm here today because I'm a little desperate and never receive helpful advice on treatment of parrots on other forums. BYC has so many people not afraid to suggest a medicine or remedy. I...
  12. C

    16 month old Sick hen

    Good morning, her crop feels empty. I added a tbsp of unsulphured molasses to her drinking water last night and she was drinking even more. She looks about the same this morning so far.
  13. C

    16 month old Sick hen

    My hen is not eating anything now but is drinking ok, I've added Baytril to her water. At what point does she need force fed? I'm really scared about this!
  14. C

    Weird illness

    Thank you 🧡
  15. C

    Weird illness

    I'm sorry you've lost so many of your sweet chickens 💔 what kind of antibiotic did you give them? I have 1 hen that is sick right now and I'm very stressed trying to see what I can use.
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