Recent content by crowe66

  1. C

    Back of chickens head torn open

    i had a hen survive this same injury from a bully rooster twice. Keep up the good work she'll make it. Will she eat scramble egg... that seemed to be the trick for me.
  2. C

    Chickens are not returning to nor roosting in their coop at night, and I'm not sure what to do.

    i had a rooster and 3 hens that insisted on sleeping the floor for a few months and one day..viola.....they were all on the roost. I have no insight as to why but perhaps give it some more time.
  3. C

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    15 hens. average 10 a day. yesterday got 12. most ever was 14.
  4. C

    Free 10-wk FBC Maran Rooster

    you still looking for a new home for him?
  5. C

    Silver spring MD willing to drop off

    are you looking to keep all 3 together or will you separate one
  6. C

    What is your flock's favorite snacks to eat?

    cucumbers melons blueberries strawberries scratch meal worms warm plain oatmeal cabbage (hanging from a rope in the run) cooked carrots scramble eggs
  7. C

    rooster attacking one of my hens

    I too had this just happen. Found a dead hen (not sure what acutally happened to her) and then another with her neck scalped... put her is isolation to heal up. After she was reintroduced to the flock same thing happened again. I dont know why he keeps attacking her. He was also pretty...
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