Recent content by crooked stripe

  1. crooked stripe

    Galvanized waterer

    I have 2 galvanized waterers and they both leak to the point of spilling. I level well but it seems the rubber washers don't seal to the metal. Both have been kept inside all last year and I use plastic in the summer. The metal waterers sit on my heater for the winter. Last year they both...
  2. crooked stripe

    Black spots

    You hit the nail on the head. Picture matches perfect. Thank you all, John
  3. crooked stripe

    Black spots

    No it looks nothing like pox. Charging my camera so I will get you a picture after work. John
  4. crooked stripe

    Black spots

    I have lost one roo from black spots on his wattles and comb. The other hens pecked him to death one day last month while I was out of town for a day. Now I see a hen with a black starting about the size of a small button. I can't find any creatures on her. It kind of looks like mold. Anyone...
  5. crooked stripe

    Added a rain barrel

    Where do you find your barrels? I find them around here but they were used for antifreeze, cleaning fluids and car wash wax. I don't know what to use to cut the materials used in the old barrels to clean them out. I need to run water into the small heated shed to use this winter. With my new...
  6. crooked stripe

    First broody ?

    I figured she would put a stop to that. I didn't think a hen hatching and raising a family would put up with other chickens in and out of the nest box. Now I have to come up with something for housing for them...
  7. crooked stripe

    First broody ?

    I have this Mille Fleur that is around 32 weeks that went broody. I have decided to let her do her thing but a couple questions. There are none of her eggs she is sitting on and as the other hens lay in her nest box when will she stop letting this happen? I have marked the 4 eggs in there. Is...
  8. crooked stripe

    How much do you sell eggs for?

    I have 15 hens and just starting getting eggs. How should I price due the different sizes. Most run in the small size. I know they will get bigger but for now what should I do?
  9. crooked stripe

    Worming Chickens?

    I heard from the farmer up the street to give them a pumpkin a few times a year. I have done this for 4 years now and no worms. Matter of fact the small feed store offers free pumpkins in the fall. Maybe Iam just lucky. I am a clean nut though.
  10. crooked stripe

    Chick taming frustrations.......

    Well said and great advice. Thank you, John
  11. crooked stripe

    can ducks eat baby chick feed

    If you are keeping ducks in with your chicks do you have to wory about niacin in the chicks?
  12. crooked stripe

    can ducks eat baby chick feed

    I hope so. Thats all my feed store has also. Waiting to hear from an experect. T his is my first pair of ducks so learning everything I can.
  13. crooked stripe

    Chicken Watering Nipples

    You can count me in for a dozen. Looking for something like this for a long time. John
  14. crooked stripe

    Opinions needed

    I have a 8x12 section of my barn I use for the chickens. 8x8 is the size of the existing coop and I am going to add a 4x8 section. Should I take the end wall down to enlarge the coop or leave the wall in. The wall has a 3x6 man door and a 1x1 chicken door in it. I don't know if I will ever be...
  15. crooked stripe

    Heat openion needed

    I will move the chicks to the coop tomorrow. I never thought about the hen area of heat. You are so right. I have only once seen a hen hatch and care for a new flock. It was amazing to watch. I hope everyone can experience that if only once. The miracle of nature. Thank you John
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