Recent content by Crazy chickn lady

  1. Crazy chickn lady

    Silver laced and Gold Laced Wyandotte hens - bantams or not?

    We bought a silver lace wyandotte pullet ( she was approximately 8-10 weeks, the breeder told us she was 10 weeks but shexxxxxxq looked younger and her plummage was still developing). So when she was between 8-10 weeks she weighed 1.2 kg. A month late at approx 12-14 weeks, she weighed 1.4kg...
  2. Crazy chickn lady

    Need help diagnosing potential illness

    I did but only with a de-wormer that's used in water, so I'm not sure if the amount was adequate. I've purchased the tablets, just waiting for them to arrive. She definitely is a lot thinner than she was a month or 2 ago. She does feel thin and her belly isn't soft or squishy, its quite firm...
  3. Crazy chickn lady

    Need help diagnosing potential illness

    Yes, I'm aware she has fowl pox. That's not what I need help diagnosing.
  4. Crazy chickn lady

    Need help diagnosing potential illness

    She hasn't laid in a few weeks at least. No, her poop isn't normal. It's darker than normal. I took a photo because it definitely isn't normal.
  5. Crazy chickn lady

    Need help diagnosing potential illness

    One of my Australorps, Molly, recently had bumble foot. We thought we had cured it, but turns out it hadnt fully healed and she also had it on her other foot. We have now successfully removed the core. I dont know if it's related, but she stopped laying awhile ago even though she's about 2 yrs...
  6. Crazy chickn lady

    Please help! What gender?

    So, my friends went for a bush walk up in the Perth hills and found this lil cutie. As I'm known as the crazy chicken lady, they bring it to me. I determinded that its a Golden Laced Wyandotte, about 4 weeks old, but unsure if it's a rooster or a hen.. as they found it in the bush Im worried it...
  7. Crazy chickn lady

    1 Wart like lesion on both wattles

    I noticed that one of my little chicken children suddenly formed one wart-type lesion on both wattles, nearly exactly the ssame spot on each side. Her behaviour is normal and her appetite is the same. I live in Perth, Australia and we are currently going through a heatwave - been 40 degrees for...
  8. Crazy chickn lady


    I'm not sure if the photos clearly show it, but if you have a look at her crop, it isn't the same as my other chickens crop and I'm so worried. She's only started laying, today she laid her third egg all up, but laying an egg seems like a big challenge for my girl. She takes half a day trying...
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