Recent content by cracked1

  1. cracked1

    Could be a great start to a small coop.

    Another craigs list find...
  2. cracked1

    Now I'm an underground egg dealer...

    I'm on about 1/2 acre but I'm still in a subdivision so my neighbors are pretty close. The neighbor to one side has chickens so there's no worries over there. The neighbor on the other side seemed ok with my girls but to be sure I took them some eggs a couple days ago. The next time I see...
  3. cracked1

    Publicity for chickens...

    Great looking set up you've got there! It's good to see some of the local papers down there doing some possitive pieces! I moved to southern Idaho from the San Bernardino area about 5 years ago. After spending 30 years in that valley I think about the only things I miss are some of the...
  4. cracked1

    Would you get a chicken tattoo?

    One of our local tattoo artists did this one. I think it's on her husband... She has tattooed my wife, brother, sister-in-law and dad. I went through about 3.5 hours of pain with her last week and will be going through another 3.5 hours or so on June 1st to finish up the color and shading.
  5. cracked1

    Coop in the Boise area

    I hear ya... It's got a lot of.... uh.... character... But, it sure would've saved me a few bucks in materials if I'd have got something like this when I built mine!
  6. cracked1

    Coop in the Boise area

    Saw this in the local Craigslist... Looks like it could be a decent deal. At least for materials if nothing else.
  7. cracked1

    How many chickens do we all have? 60,083 and counting.

    28,621 + 3 = 28,624 Since I'm in the city I'm only supposed to have three ... Since I've been bitten with the chicken bug, will what they don't know hurt them?
  8. cracked1

    Doing the Chicken Hokey Pokey

    I started trying to photograph my girls recently and I caught Summer practicing her Hokey Pokey moves... You can tell by the look on her face that she was really concentrating on getting it right. Ya put yer left foot in...
  9. cracked1

    Oddball Easter Egger

    Mine is the complete opposite... She is definately the Alpha in my little flock. She will muscle the others out of the way for treats , she will read my lab the riot act and peck her nose if she gets too close , etc... She's a pretty sharp girl! She always notices me coming with treats...
  10. cracked1

    Stealth chickens?

    Are you sure your association doesn't allow them? Sometimes the wording can be a little misleading. I am also in a subdivision in Idaho and my cc&r's say that you can't have them UNLESS it's ok with the city... Per the city we can have 3 chickens and no roosters. I have 4... I work in the...
  11. cracked1

    Culling/Euthanizing for those who "can't" break a neck?

    Thanks everyone! Personaly I'm more of a quick neck snap/hatchet method person... I just had to get more input on this. I'm pretty much with CoopCrazy on this in that I'm leaning towards the "it's horrible" side. I also thought about the chicken not dying and coming out to find it had woken...
  12. cracked1

    Culling/Euthanizing for those who "can't" break a neck?

    DISCLAMER: I don't know if this will be offensive to anyone out there. I can understand if it is. If there is any issue with this post I will edit/remove it. Ok...... I've been wrestling with this in my mind for awhile. I recently saw a post asking about the easiest, most humane way to...
  13. cracked1

    Feeding eggs back to chickens on Tylan?

    Couldn't find anything in the search... Just currious... I've got four hens on Tylan and since we can't eat the eggs, can I scramble some up and feed them back to them?
  14. cracked1

    Thank you BYC!

    Quote: Well... I've been a part of a good amount of forums over the years and have seen many great ones go away for miscelaneous reasons. I lurked here for awhile getting all the information I needed to get started and just recently started posting. I decided on buying the GFM more as a way...
  15. cracked1

    Thank you BYC!

    I just wanted to thank everyone involved in this site. Being a very analytical person I wanted to do a lot of research before I began my chicken journey and BYC has been my main source for learning EVERYTHING. Every time I've had a question the answer was always a quick search away. There is...
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