Recent content by cphilip

  1. cphilip

    Police Seize Chicks Without A Warrant! ****PHOTOS ADDED****

    Quote: I have mixed feelings on this one; I do believe they need somerepercussions. In criminal cases where the police have overstepped their bounds, there have usually only been indirect consequences from the judicial system--cases tossed, evidence disallowed, even previously adjudicated...
  2. cphilip

    TSC has Layena for $9.99

    Quote: Mine had pellets last week, However it was $11.99 there then.
  3. cphilip

    Police Seize Chicks Without A Warrant! ****PHOTOS ADDED****

    Not always... The Constitution is a restriction placed upon the Federal Government as to what it can and cannot do. Not on the states (for the most part) It may or may not be that entirely all of it, verbatim, is applicable to the states. States have their own constitutions as well. And not...
  4. cphilip

    My sister needs encouragement to get chickens!

    You'll immediately drop 2 dress sizes... I swear.
  5. cphilip

    3rd place...a little late

    Just taking us to the log in screen now. Come on! you can do it.
  6. cphilip

    Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

    This is the RIR rooster. He doesn't have a name. I am still waiting on his personality to dictate one. He is likely about 7 months old. All of them are. Some of the Hens just started laying in the last few weeks and continue to pick up in both numbers and size. They all were hatched about the...
  7. cphilip

    Tell the truth - how clean is YOUR coop?

    This thread made me remember a fellow that I wish every one of you could meet. He was a local character who raised Quail. Fairly large operation. If you have heard of him at all your either local of you saw him on one of the Very Early Johnny Carson Shows. He made Jewelry out of the more...
  8. cphilip

    Post pics of your favorite deceased or alive chickens

    You said dead or alive.... this is Hickory
  9. cphilip

    Beeswax Candles needed!

    I am not making Candles but I have been accumulating quite a bit of Bee's Wax if you interested in doing it on your own I can sell you some nice buttery colored wax. There are some people that hang around at this forum that make Candles but it supposedly is not that hard to do...
  10. cphilip

    Someone keeps making complaints about my chickens! (Update post #222!)

    Quote: I don't go for that philosophy of not confronting on the slim chance they may be nuts. If they are nuts, I tell them "Oh, YOU are gonna do crazy? Wanna have a crazy-off? I can out crazy your sorry self any day of the week. Bring it on." No one has ever brought it on. Yup. Nobody ever...
  11. cphilip

    The $729.94 Thrifty Egg Up On ebay Auction

    It was worse two weeks back when I too had a $700 plus egg but its amazing how fast it comes down once you get to two dozen and so forth. Of course it needs be said, I went full out and didn't expect that pay back at all.... but I wanted good looking set up and I purchased nice excellent type...
  12. cphilip

    The $729.94 Thrifty Egg Up On ebay Auction

    I calculated mine just yesterday and to date, its down to $36 an egg. But the girls are laying and so its coming down at a rate of 5 eggs per day to figure in.
  13. cphilip

    Someone keeps making complaints about my chickens! (Update post #222!)

    I wouldn't antagonize her. She may be a couple eggs shy of a dozen. Maybe if you ignore her for some time she will fixate on someone or something else. Like they say on the internet.... "Don't feed the Troll".
  14. cphilip

    How many chickens per nesting box?

    6 hens and 8 nest boxes and all of them lay in one...
  15. cphilip

    accidently killed my rir roo

    Quote: My bad. No... I was the one that read it wrong. Bon Appetit!
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