Recent content by CoyoteMagic

  1. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Luna, I am so sorry for your loss. Through your words, I could see that Paul was a wonderful man. You are never alone, Sis! JJ, 3, Red, Veri, ALL of us are still here for you. Paul is over there keeping Burt/Deerman company for awhile. You've still got things here to finish and then you can go...
  2. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hey ya'll, I'm sorry I haven't been around. As some know I started having stomach issues. Well..................3 weeks ago today I had 2 feet of my sigmoid colon removed. Has nothing to do with the cancer (which is still in check as per last PET) I has a.blockage the size of a baseball. I...
  3. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hey ya'll, I'm so sorry I haven't been around for so long. I see some of ya'll over on Facebook, it's not home like these pages are. Hope all my friends are doing well and all you newbies are being well taken care of by this crazy crew!! Things have been up and down with me. We go back on the...
  4. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Chickenmania I am so sorry for your loss. They are at peace now, the pain is gone. There has to be SOMETHING to help easy folks on. Eliminate and allow them to Luna what did the pathology say? Keeping everybody in my thoughts and prayers. I'm doing ok. Went through a period of deep...
  5. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Seen them all. Some of us are close to being vegetarian, if not vegan. I eat nearly all organic because of my multiple severe allergies. I have also lost nearly 80lbs in since Jan. 2012 on purpose. I know our food supply is leading to multiple deaths due to disease caused by it's consumption...
  6. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hey ya'll! I'm sorry I haven't been keeping everyone updated on what's going on with me. I've been hanging out over at Facebook, I don't come back here except to check on ya'll. So what's happening? I'm good. All the tests are in. No signs of active Cancer. No more chemo unless it shows back...
  7. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hey ya'll, I need to make this short, it's 4 in the morning and I'm tired. Had my PET scan on Monday on Tuesday I told my doc that if he didn't give me the results before he went on vacation, I would blow up his cell phone while he was away. Less than 5minutes.later I have my...
  8. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Yup, I'm still here and kicking! Recovering from the holidays and chemo. 3 doses down 19 more to go!! I'm good. I sleep a lot. Having stomach issues, they think I've developed an ulcer. I'm eating!!! but not a great deal. More the 2nd & 3rd weeks after a treatment, but still with tummy bloat and...
  9. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Breast Cancer isn't a death sentence, no cancer is. Please don't mind me if I come across as *itchy, but I believe that attitude is the key to kicking cancer's A*S*S*!! Knowledge is power. Your friend needs to learn EVERYTHING about her type of cancer. There are many types of breast cancer, each...
  10. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I'm doing pretty good. Some tummy issues after this last treatment, but other than that, not bad. Oh yeah, Snoopy is everywhere waiting for Santa!! That's just the Outside!! There's alway's an oddball in the bunch
  11. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hey ya'll. I'm doing much better. I think talking to the people who weren't there was because of a fever. I've been known to wander and do strange things when I have a high fever. I've been found filling bird feeders at 2am in a t-shirt and socks in 23* temps! In my defense, I saw them there...
  12. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hey ya'll! Hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving. I was a bum, Lurchie had to work, but then again, I'm not eating/cooking big meals. New chemo is kicking my butt. I was good for the first day but then the fevers started. When I get a high fever you never know what I am going to do. This time I...
  13. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I'm doing pretty good. I teel like I have the flu. Aches, tired, and headache from HE double tooth picks!! BUT it could be a whole lot worse. Right now I just need lots of rest. There is No giving up!!
  14. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    *Pokes 3 Good Eggs with a stick* You breathing??! *poke, poke poke* Ready for this???!! Drumroll please..................................................................................................................................................... We've been APPROVED for the new...
  15. CoyoteMagic about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    JJ please don't let the state forget my friends and family that live in the lesser know areas of the "bayshore". The area doesn't get the attention that the more known beach areas do. There are people who have lost their livelyhood that their families has been involved in for generations. Some...
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