Recent content by Courtney's_chickens

  1. Courtney's_chickens

    Sultan chicken worried about winter

    I have heard good things about the heat pads!
  2. Courtney's_chickens

    Rooster aggressive towards certain hens.

    Have a (newer) rooster--I have had roosters for years, but this is the first one that is mean to some of the girls. UGH. He likes a certain amount of hens, but to the rest is very aggressive towards. Some of the hens can't even come out of the hen house without being chased and attacked. Any...
  3. Courtney's_chickens

    Sultan chicken worried about winter

    I have had sultan and silikes for years that have done good in the winter, and I live in northern Minnesota! We always made sure they had a high perch next to a heat lamp or two, and we even threw in some straw in the nesting boxes. Avoid drafts.
  4. Courtney's_chickens

    Ducks and Chicks! I wanna see your new ducklings or chicks! ;-)

    Good looking girls! They seem to be happy to be outdoors! Cannot wait 'till mine can go outside! I live in Minnesota so waiting for a "hot" day! And for them to be a bit bigger! Are your ducks and chickens the same age?
  5. Courtney's_chickens

    Ready or not!

    Thank you :)
  6. Courtney's_chickens

    Ducks and Chicks! I wanna see your new ducklings or chicks! ;-)

    Yes, but not unless you keep the area dry and keep up with cleaning daily! Sometimes it is best to raise them together so they continue their pecking order and so it won't be a stressful change when they get put out with the big birds. We keep up with changing the wood shavings, and will even...
  7. Courtney's_chickens

    Ducks and Chicks! I wanna see your new ducklings or chicks! ;-)

    These are my new girls, three Rhode Island Reds, two Leghorns(brown and white), and three Pekin ducklings! (P.S. there water is on the other side, it got cut out of the picture!)
  8. Courtney's_chickens

    Ready or not!

    Congrats! I too just got ducklings myself for the first time! Already I love having them! They get along so well with my new chicks too. So fun to watch them.
  9. Courtney's_chickens

    Ready or not!

    What a great setup!!
  10. Courtney's_chickens

    Any ideas on breed?

    Brown leghorns perhaps??
  11. Courtney's_chickens

    Hi y'all. I'm new here and have some questions.

    Do you have any pictures you could post? I bet some of us could point out possible hens and roosters :)
  12. Courtney's_chickens

    Hi y'all. I'm new here and have some questions.

    Hi! So it is 100% normal for your chickens to fight/peck. As they grow with age, they have to establish a pecking order. It is all part of the process, do not worry. I know it is kind of sad to watch a hen get beat up on, but it will stop evenutally. But you must remember that they are fine and...
  13. Courtney's_chickens

    Old hens laying again?

    Yes! They could/and will lay again! Sometimes new hens that lay eggs can simply influnence your old hens to lay. The older girls see eggs in the nesting box, then want to sit on the eggs or add to it--that is their natural insinct, and when they start to sit on the eggs, that will make them want...
  14. Courtney's_chickens

    New 14 week old Cream Crested Legbar Sneezing

    Sounds like Upper respiratory infection to me. But there are ways to treat this, I've had the same thing happen to my girls. If left untreated, you will lose many birds. Upper respiratory infection spreads like a wild fire within birds, and many other animals too. Whatever you do, DO NOT mix...
  15. Courtney's_chickens

    Hi fellow chicken ppl! I'm back! My old account was "gingerjane", but couldn't get back on it...

    Hi fellow chicken ppl! I'm back! My old account was "gingerjane", but couldn't get back on it. Ready to hear about your chickies!
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