Recent content by CountryRoosterUSA

  1. CountryRoosterUSA

    Hi from Australia

    Welcome to BYC !!!
  2. CountryRoosterUSA

    Hello from Ohio

    Welcome to BYC !!!
  3. CountryRoosterUSA

    New Member from Tennessee

    Glad you joined up.
  4. CountryRoosterUSA

    First time owning chickens

    Glad you joined up.
  5. CountryRoosterUSA

    Feeding { How Much }

    I've got 15 laying hens, they stay in a coop with a 8' by 20' run. They have feed available 24,7. But I was wondering, if I only feed them once a day how much feed would they need ? { Just Curious } Having feed available 24,7 equals considerable waste.
  6. CountryRoosterUSA

    24 weeks old and still no eggs.

    I have 11 pullets all 24 weeks old. So far only 8 are laying and have been for about 3 or 4 weeks. There eggs range from small to medium. But I can tell they are slowly getting bigger.
  7. CountryRoosterUSA

    Pullet Eggs

    I have 11 pullets all 24 weeks old. So far only 8 are laying and have been for about 3 or 4 weeks. There eggs range from small to medium. But I can tell they are slowly getting bigger. They are barred rock, black sex link, and buff orphington and white rock. I know they should all be laying...
  8. CountryRoosterUSA

    Hi everyone - Newbie from TN

    Welcome from N.W. Tennessee Glad you joined up !
  9. CountryRoosterUSA

    Small Eggs

    I have 11 girls, all are 19 weeks old. One of the barred rocks and one of the buff orffingtons have just started to lay. The last two days each one has layed but the eggs are very small. Is this normal for just starting. These are the first young girls we have had so I don't know. I'm thinking...
  10. CountryRoosterUSA

    Sick Hen

    When I went out to check the girls yesterday, all were fine. They were all eating and drinking as usual. But when I went out just a few hours later. One of the girls was laying down and could not get up by herself. I put her in a separate cage with fresh water and food. I checked her over good...
  11. CountryRoosterUSA

    2 Eggs in one Day !!

    I have 5 hens, all lay big brown eggs except for the white leghorn which is a white egg. I checked the 3 nest boxes early this morning and they were all empty. I went back and checked them this afternoon around 3 pm, and had 6 eggs all in one nest box. There was 4 brown eggs and 2 big white...
  12. CountryRoosterUSA

    Comment by 'CountryRoosterUSA' in article 'Interesting Facts About Chicken Eggs'

    Congratulations, wonderful information, good job.
  13. CountryRoosterUSA

    Brooder size

    I was thinking about putting them outside in the grow out pin at about 5 or 6 weeks. As soon as they feather out.
  14. CountryRoosterUSA

    Brooder size

    I'm getting 10 chicks from TSC, and was wanting to know just how big the brooder would have to be, ?x?x? to keep them in till they are feathered out. I have a grow out pen after that, until big enough to go in the coop with the others. I have never had chicks before, only adult birds, so I'm...
  15. CountryRoosterUSA

    Hi From Tennessee

    from N.W. Tennessee Glad you joined up !
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