Recent content by CountryChic63

  1. CountryChic63

    Anyone seen Angel Wing in Meat Birds? Seeing it in New Hampshires and White Rangers, wondering causes/solutions?

    I'm sorry, but what is Angel Wing? Symptoms? I am currently raising 12 New Hampshires, (8wks old) as layers and have 25 Cornish Cross ordered for Sept. Both flocks come from Mt. Healthy hatchery.
  2. CountryChic63

    How Young Can You Feed Oyster Shells?

    My breed of chickens start laying at 16 weeks. So starting oyster shells truly depends on each breed, as 20 weeks would be very late for all my breeds, including most heritage breeds. I typically offer oyster shells a month before the breed is suppose to start laying.
  3. CountryChic63

    When do I help hatching, chick pipped 22 hrs ago

    I'm following this thread, what a wealth of information & experience!
  4. CountryChic63

    ISO German New Hampshire Chicken Hatching Eggs

    Do you know of places in or near Indiana? We prefer to pick them up the Day Olds. I only know of Cackle with a minimum of 25 & Mt Healthy in Cinn Ohio, but they're higher priced. Thanks!
  5. CountryChic63

    2 week old chicks trying to fly out of brooder

    I use the same type of bin, but the taller (deeper) version. I utilize the bins concave patterns on the sides of the plastic bin to slide dowel rods suspended by pressure from the sides, for a perch at one end. Chicks love this. If they're super bored, I have "painted" on tiny dabs of greek...
  6. CountryChic63

    Just had my first Bielefelder egg

    I'm planning to buy a few Bielefelders, and wanted to ask if anyone feeds these large eating machines fermented feed? I read it cuts down feed cost but chickens love it. Does anyone have experience in this idea? I've raised several flocks but never Bielefelders. I've read that this breed...
  7. CountryChic63

    Meat comparison dual purpose breeds

    Hello, I'd like to ask for opinions of Bielefelders vs Jersey Giants. I've read Bielefelders are supposed to be "meaty," but I know Jersey Giants use to be bred for their meat a decade or so ago. We're not interested in Cross Cornish or that type. We're just wanting better meat % then what the...
  8. CountryChic63

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    I wear a N95 when deep cleaning (changing out winter shavings for summer sand & visa versa). Hubby cleans the poop trays now on, after I was hospitalized 13 days AFTER I recovered from C19, but ended up with double pneumonia, along with a bunch more fatal issues, in 1-2022.
  9. CountryChic63

    Asprin Added to Water in Hot Weather?

    WoW, thanks so much for the quick & informative replies!
  10. CountryChic63

    Asprin Added to Water in Hot Weather?

    Hello, I've read that its good to add Asprin to chickens water when its hot out. Well, here in Indiana, the temps are going from a comfortable 72° last week to 100° this week. Does Asprin help? If so, how? Thanks!
  11. CountryChic63

    Chicks kicking bedding into feeder, waterer...

    I finally came up with using Liquid Nail to glue small pieces of wood (1 in x 2 in) onto Mason jars (qt size). Then I screwed hooks in my the wood. (I found screwing the hooks in b4 glueing worked best). Now this allows you to hang the feed or water. We have framed wire cloth tops over our...
  12. CountryChic63

    Sevin dust?

    I was just told that Sevin Dust has a "Lifetime Egg Withdrawal." I've been using it in my coop & have sprinkled it on a couple of our hens -- so now their eggs aren't safe to eat? I was told to use it because others said their vets suggested it ??!! I am buying the Permetrin soon though, instead...
  13. CountryChic63

    Comment by 'CountryChic63' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    Yeah, I read the whole article. I guess what I should've said was, how do I prevent the meat spots. Again, my hens are 18 months now, but I've seen the Meat Spots weekly. For the square footage of the coop & run, we could have 17 hens, but chose to only keep 11, no rooster. So I still don't...
  14. CountryChic63

    Comment by 'CountryChic63' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    This article is very informative, however it didn't say what causes Meat Spots. My hens are less than 2 years old, and I see the meat spots often. We give them Layers Feed, treats include meal worms and organic vegetable scraps, and if I have more eggs than I want to store, I scramble the eggs...
  15. CountryChic63

    Molting, what to feed

    My hens are molting for the first time as fully grown hens (15 months old). My Black Star is molting severely, pretty naked. I found blood on the perch, so I looked the hens over, and assumed it was from her. I'm guessing she's getting pecked since she has so much pink/red skin showing. I watch...
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