Recent content by country_girl011

  1. country_girl011

    sexing pied peachicks

  2. country_girl011

    sexing pied peachicks

    the size difference is due to age. the larger one is almost 2 weeks older than the other. but i will get pics in the am. hopefully they will cooperate i dont want to catch them and stress them out.
  3. country_girl011

    sexing pied peachicks

    i will try to run out and get better ones in a few. these 2 just look soo different and they are my last hope for a pied male so that may be clouding my view lol. the smaller one im 85% sure is a hen. brown flights, losing the barring but the older one has rusty flights, still has baring.
  4. country_girl011

    sexing pied peachicks

    so before i sell these 2 next week i need to know for sure they arent males (i need a new male) they are 8 and 9 weeks old in this picture.
  5. country_girl011

    looking for mini pig in ohio

    near troy ohio .looking fora mini pig or potbelly. 6-12 weeks old if anyone knows someone
  6. country_girl011

    myster chick updated pics

    sorry but this bird has never been handled, is free ranged, and you can not get within 10 foot of her. im going to take my photography camera with me monday as she is at my grandparents. i will try to get better photos. buti will not stress her out by catching her.
  7. country_girl011

    myster chick updated pics

    she could b just about anything honestly. my adult birds threw me some surprises lastyear. she does lool similar but in the middle pic your hen looks king of orangey ? maybe just lighting? but freedom is very dull and drab looking. just a creamy light brown all over
  8. country_girl011

    myster chick updated pics

    not sure how many of you will remember my original thread. this girl is still a mystery. no barring so i believe its a hen around 6 months old lighter than a cameo or purple parents are either purple, silver pied, blue, pied, 2 of them are split bs
  9. country_girl011

    peachick color help

    thanks guys. I promise to post updated pictures as he/she gets older. (baring no accidents since he is a free range chick) maybe as he gets older his color will be more clear. but he is a real mystery. and yes his parents threw me quite a few curve balls. still kicking myself for selling the...
  10. country_girl011

    peachick color help

    sorry this chick has only been touched once. and that was only to check his legs on hatch day . one of our cochins hatched him. and he is living a free ranged life with momma.
  11. country_girl011

    peachick color help

    its not solid colored. it is a creamy white color on the head and belly. and the back is a purply color. not quite the same as cameo. but also not a blacksholder. maybe purple blacksholder? im stumped. the trio he came from stumped us. its a purple hen and a blue male and hen (well appear to...
  12. country_girl011

    peachick color help

    2 months old. hatched looking blacksholder. but never got any black.
  13. country_girl011

    what color are these cochin chicks?

    chick #1 chick #2 #3 #4 gold laced? #5 lemon blue? #6 red with dark markings #7 #8
  14. country_girl011

    surprise peachick color. help identifying?

    So he will get black in his feathers before long correct??. Thats how ill know for sure?.
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